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Blockchain One Pager
Data Storage

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Pain Point

Synchronization times is way too long(even weeks). The problem is not data streams as such, but that the
systems they are embedded into may require their lengths be unbounded.

What is KYVE?

KYVE is a data storage framework that provides reliable and verified data.
You can create your own storage pool and start storing your own data.
In each pool, an uploader is responsible for storing the latest data.
Validators inside that pool then make sure that the uploaded data is correct.
In order to participate in storing or validating you need to stake KYVE tokens.



When running a node, it can seamlessly switch between two main roles:
The Uploader uploads the new data onto Arweave
The Validator is responsible for verifying that the data uploaded is correct.


$KYVE is used in the protocol for staking, voting, and rewarding uploaders and validators for participating in the network.


As an uploader
As a validator
In governance
from treasury
Buy/Sell tokens


Staking for voting
Staking for extra rewards, higher stake, higher chance


Only governance votes can control the treasury contract, and it will always receive 1% of tokens payouts. The governance can vote on transferring tokens out of the treasury.


Nodes must stake in the pool
Nodes: Uploader or Validator

How does it work?

Uploader has uploaded data and registered it in the pool
The validators fetch the data and validate it
Grace period
The amount of $KYVE to be paid out is calculated.
The reward will be paid out to a governance holder, the treasury, the uploader, and the validators.
The validator reward gets evenly distributed between all validators.

Suppoted Pools

Delegation is available, with commission fee. If you have highest delegation amount, they you can claim a validator slot. As a node owner, behave correctly, more validated blocks, lower commission, higher APY and more potential delegators.

Current funding progress

Slot based funding system: In order to obtain a slot, you need to fund more than the current lowest funding amount.

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