Fraud Proofs introduce a so-called Dispute Time Delay (DTD), once a proof is submitted in the L2, the validator has time in order to mark the proof as invalid; an invalid proof could have incorrect state transitions and thus result in penalizing the validator(s) involved; a rollback of the state to the latest valid snapshot will follow.
咱一帮人往sever加入large prime number,作为其中的一员
相信别人新加入的数字是prime number【有信任的】
对于一个新人,run prime number test, make sure it is same as our database【系统之间是不信任的,问题是新加入的人算力更强我们就很亏】
咱让其他的peers给我们发送证明,证明我们数据库中的某个数字不是prime number 的话
这样不用每个prime number 都跑一遍test. 如果在超过了一定时间没收到fraud-proof那这个就是prime
至少一个peer在check 发现问题就可以在整个网络announce
Instead of validating all the rules of the system, others can demonstrate that the current system state is wrong.
Light-nodes vs. Full-nodes
When a new block appears, we process its transactions and define the new current state. The nodes that do this work are called full-nodes
If a node runs on an Android device, it has limited resources, such as computing power, storage, and bandwidth. These nodes are named light-nodes since they only download block headers instead of all the data associated with it.