The DAO was an organization that was designed to be automated and decentralized. , It acted as a form of venture capital fund based on open-source code and without a typical management structure or board of directors. To be fully decentralized, the DAO was unaffiliated with any particular nation-state, though it made use of the ethereum network.
Why make an organization like the DAO?
The developers of the DAO believed they could eliminate human error or manipulation of investor funds by placing decision-making power into the hands of an automated system and a crowdsourced process. Fueled by ether, the DAO was designed to allow investors to send money from anywhere in the world anonymously. The DAO would then provide those owners tokens, allowing them voting rights on possible projects.
2003.5-2009.03 VP of Vivus Software——一家区域性技术咨询和人力资本管理公司
2009.03-2010.02 CEO of Intalgent——系统开发和管理组织公司
2010.02-2014.02 销售VP of Meddius——healthcare startup
2014.03-2017.12 VP of Premier ——healthcare improvement company
2017.11-now Founder of Mythos Capital——digital asset investment company
David Hoffman:Founding Father & Co-Owner at Bankless
Chapman university,2011-2015 Bacholer of Psychology;
2018.03-2018.08,researcher of New Alchemy(专门从事区块链上代币化的战略和技术咨询集团),在这里他创建了关于区块链生态系统变化状态的报告。综合了白皮书、会议或其他形式的媒体中的大量信息,以指导整个公司的发展方向。职责是站在加密货币世界的最前沿,以确保客户了解当前可用技术能够做什么和不能做什么;