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What is the best kind of blind for a kitchen

and what kitchen blinds should I choose if I don’t like those?
What is the ? In terms of the challenges a blind will face in a kitchen as distinct to within any other room, the best type of kitchen blind is a waterproof one.
From there, you can narrow your choices down further by deciding what else you want in terms of the appearance and functionality of your blinds, such as the ability to filter light, added thermal insulation, blackout properties, and various other things.
This article will tell you what type of blinds are waterproof and so, suitable for kitchens; and also, what your alternative options are if you have your heart set on a blind that isn’t waterproof and so, doesn’t fit the bill.

Why might someone have their heart set on a kitchen blind that’s not waterproof in the first place?

If you’re wondering why someone might be trying to determine if a non-waterproof blind might be a goer for them in the first place, this is because there are some blinds types that are only available in non-waterproof variants.
If someone has their heart set on a certain type or style of blind and it can’t be produced in a waterproof material, this might result in them looking to explore whether or not it might do anyway, or what the closest viable alternative to it is.

What is the best kind of blind for a kitchen?

The best blinds for a kitchen in terms of ensuring it is waterproof and fit for purpose (in no particular order) are:
Faux-wood blinds.
Waterproof (PVC or vinyl) roller blinds.
Waterproof (PVC or vinyl) vertical blinds.
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All types of are waterproof by nature as they’re made of robust, waterproof PVC; but both and can be made in a variety of fabrics, so double-check this first as not all of them are waterproof. PVC and vinyl roller blinds and vertical blinds are waterproof, but their polyester counterparts are not.
These are the three best types of blinds for kitchens then, because they’re waterproof and won’t get irreparably marked and stained, nor absorb condensation, grease, and cooking odours; plus, they can also be washed or wiped clean of splashes or spills.
The types of blinds that aren’t waterproof and that can’t be made in waterproof materials are wooden blinds, day and night blinds, Roman blinds, and arguably, Venetian blinds.

What is the best kind of blind for a kitchen if I really, want a style of blind that doesn’t come in a waterproof variant?

Venetian blind considerations for kitchens

Getting out of the way first, these are made of enamel-painted aluminium slats, which are themselves waterproof – but the lift cords running through them are not. If you are trying to make a non-waterproof blind work in a kitchen, this is the path of least resistance/greatest chance of success, as if your kitchen is only moderately humid and the blind isn’t likely to get soaked or splashed on the regular, the porosity of those little lift cords probably won’t be an issue.
The fact that they’re such a small part of the blind also means that they probably won’t pump the smell of last night’s kedgeree back into the room for days afterwards either.
That said, the lift cords can and possibly will discolour and start to look yellowy or grimy over time due to collecting a patina of vapourised cooking fat and the associated dirt that wants to stick to it if you do a lot of frying and/or the blind is fairly close to your hob.

Wooden blind alternatives for kitchens

If you’re keen on the idea of for a kitchen, this is a fairly simple one to resolve; I suggest choosing faux-wood blinds instead, which are waterproof and that can be made in more or less all of the same colours and finishes as real wood blinds and consequently look virtually identical to them.
When it comes to both day and night blinds and Roman blinds however, I do not have any really neat or almost-the-same-as solutions for you.

Day and night blind alternatives for kitchens

With , if you’re looking for the functionality that their alternating sheer and opaque stripes provide when it comes to controlling privacy and light while allowing you to enjoy the view, your only option is to choose a different light-filtering blind instead.
However, none of the other options that might work in the waterproofing sense share the appearance of day and night blinds.
If it’s the stripes you’re a fan of rather than the way that day and night blinds work, one of the huge number of different types of striped roller blinds made from waterproof fabrics would be the way to go.

Roman blind alternatives for kitchens

When it comes to , again, there is no exact or close waterproof equivalent, but a high-quality in the colours and patterns of your choosing is once more about as close as you’ll get to the look you want to emulate, combined with the ability to withstand the challenges of kitchen life.
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