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Glossary of Campaign Terms

💡 Each social ad campaign starts with an "objective" — a direction to the platform to show your ad to people more likely to take the specific action described in the objective.


Brand Awareness

Show your ads to people who are most likely to remember them. Facebook will deliver your ad to the people it estimates would remember seeing your ad if Facebook asked them within two days. []


Show your ads to the maximum number of people.



Send people to a destination, like a website, app, Facebook event or Messenger conversation.


Get more Page likes, event responses, or post reacts, comments or shares.

App Installs

Show your ad to people most likely to download and engage with your app

Video Views

Show your ad to people more likely to watch your video.

Lead Generation

Collect leads for your business or brand using Facebook's native pop-up lead form.


Show people ads that allow them to engage with you on Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram Direct.



Show your ads to people most likely to take valuable actions, like making a purchase or adding payment info, on your website, app or in Messenger.

Catalog Sales

Use your target audience to show people ads with items from your catalog.

Store Visits

Show your ad to people most likely to visit your physical stores when they're near them. (Only available to multiple-location stores.)

What is "interests expansion"?

Expansion directs Facebook's system to reach a broader set of people when it's likely to improve your campaign performance. This can result in better campaign results at an optimized cost. When we enable expanded targeting on your campaign, and Facebook thinks it can get you better results by using it, it will take a portion of your existing budget and split it between your selected audience and a broader audience. Then throughout your campaign, it will shift budget to the audience that is getting better results at a lower cost.

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