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Use the form below to add a Title, Subtitle or Description, Author(s) or Speaker(s), Category, URL (website or online store link), and a 1-2 sentences about why your team likes the particular resource.
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Subtitle or Description
Author(s) or Speaker(s)
Why we like this resource

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Subtitle or Description
Author(s) or Speaker(s) if applicable
URL (website or online shopping link)
Auto-generated Image (check to see if an image of the book is displayed properly. If not, select ‘Display Errors?’)
The $100 Startup
Chris Guillebeau
Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition
Geoffrey A. Moore
The Elephant in the Brain
Kevin Simler, Robin Hanson
Breaking Windows
David Bank
Payments Systems in the U.S. Third Edition
Carol Coye Benson, Scott Loftesness, Russ Jones
A powerful idea about ideas — Alan Kay
Why Geoffrey Moore's Crossing the Chasm is a must-read for Ambitious Startup Founders
Enter the title of the resources. Includes book subtitles if not too long.
The $100 Startup
Author or Speaker
Check to make sure you've spelled the author or speaker's name correctly. If there are multiple authors, list them in the order they appear.
Chris Guillebeau
Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future
Growth & Strategy
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Why we like this resource
3-5 sentences describing why your team thinks this is an important resource.
This book is a great reminder of how ordinary people can build solid livings, and is a mindset we want to embody as a team.

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