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Story 1: Fill This In

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Story: Important Baby Advice

A new baby is a(n)
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adventure. But like all big life changes, the more prepared you are, the
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Pack your hospital bag at least
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days before your due date. Don’t forget to include your
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, and
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. This will eliminate unnecessary last-minute stress if the newborn
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comes early.
During the delivery, be sure to
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deep and
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with your
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When bringing baby home, drive
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miles under the speed limit. Always break for
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and make sure everyone is wearing their
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When the baby naps,
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should nap too. Yes, you’re going to be
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, but resting is more important than
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Proven studies have shown that the best foods for a new mom are
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. Don’t forget to also drink plenty of
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Postpartum hormones can be
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. Don’t feel silly for crying over things like spilled
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or that
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commercial on TV.
Capture your everyday
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on film. Believe it or not this time will
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by and before you know it you may actually those
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