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Probability Distributions

When working with different statistical distributions, we often want to make probabilistic statements based on the distribution. We typically want to know one of four things:
A random draw of values from a particular distribution.
The density (pdf) at a particular value.
The distribution (cdf) at a particular value.
The quantile value corresponding to a particular probability.
For each probability distribution there are typically four functions available that start with a r, d, p, and q.
The r function is the one that actually simulates random numbers from that distribution.
d for density, : compute the pdf or pmf
p for computing the cumulative distribution function
q for quantile function (inverse cumulative distribution)
If you’re only interested in simulating random numbers, then you will likely only need the r functions and not the others. However, if you intend to simulate from arbitrary probability distributions using something like rejection sampling, then you will need the other functions too.

Binomial Distribution (✅ or ❌)

dbinom(x, size, prob)
P(X = x), the probability that X = x
pbinom(q, size, prob, lower.tail = TRUE)
P(X =< q), the probability that X takes a value less than or equal to q
rbinom(n, size, prob)
Generates numbers which follow a binomial distribution with the given parameters
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In R, the function dbinom provides the pmf of the binomial distribution:
dbinom(x = success ,n = size, p = probability) gives:
P(X=x) for X∼Binom(n,p).
Example 🪙 For X the number of heads when three coins are tossed, the pmf is computed with R:
x <- 0:3
dbinom(x, 3, 0.5)
## [1] 0.125 0.375 0.375 0.125

Example🎲 What is the probability of getting exactly three “2's” in eight rolls?
# P(X = 3)
#function dbinom has this frame:
#dbinom( success - in this case landing on a value three times,
# size - in this case # of rolls,
# probability of event happening -landing on a "2" = 1/6)
dbinom(3, 8, 1/6)
## [1] 0.125 0.375 0.375 0.125

Example 🎲
Suppose 100 dice are thrown. What is the expected number of sixes? What is the probability of observing 10 or fewer sixes?
We assume that the results of the dice are independent and that the probability of rolling a six is 1/6. The random variable X is the number of sixes observed, and
Then E[X]=100⋅16≈16.67.
That is, we expect 1/6 of the 100 rolls to be a six. The probability of observing 10 or fewer sixes in R:
## [1] 0.04269568

R also provides the function pbinom, which is the cumulative sum of the pmf.
This gives:
P(X≤x) for X∼Binom(n,p).
We could compute the probability of observing 10 or fewer sixes in 10 rolls as:
# P(X <= 10)
## [1] 0.04269568

Example 🗳️
Suppose Alice and Bob are running for office, and 46% of all voters prefer Alice. A poll randomly selects 300 voters and asks their preference. What is the expected number of voters who will report a preference for Alice? What is the probability that the poll results suggest Alice will win?
Let “success” be a preference for Alice, and X be the random variable equal to the number of polled voters who prefer Alice. It is reasonable to assume that
as long as our sample of 300 voters is a small portion of the population of all voters. We expect that 0.46⋅300=138 of the 300 voters will report a preference for Alice.
For the poll results to show Alice in the lead, we need (X > 150). To find this, we must compute:
## [1] 0.07398045

There is about a 7.4% chance the poll will show Alice in the lead, despite her imminent defeat.
R provides the function rbinom to simulate binomial random variables. The first argument to rbinom is the number of random values to simulate, and the next arguments are n and p. Here are 15 simulations of the Alice vs. Bob poll:
## [1] 132 116 129 139 165 137 138 142 134 140 140 134 134 126 149

In this series of simulated polls, Alice appears to be losing in all except the fifth poll where she was preferred by 165/300= 55% of the selected voters.
We can compute P(X>150) using:
X <- rbinom(10000,300,0.46)
## [1] 0.0714

Geometric Distribution ❌❌✅

The number of failures before the first success occurs.
The functions dgeom, pgeom and rgeom are available for working with a geometric random variable X∼Geom(p):
dgeom(x,p) is the pmf, and gives P(X=x)
pgeom(x,p) gives P(X≤x)
rgeom(N,p) simulates N random values of X.
Example 🎲
A die is tossed until the first 6 occurs. What is the probability that it takes 4 or more tosses?
We define success as a roll of six, and let X be the number of failures before the first success. Then X∼Geom(1/6), a geometric random variable with probability of success 1/6.
We cannot perform the infinite sum with dgeom, but we can come close by summing to a large value of x:
## [1] 0.5787037

Rather than summing the pmf, we may use pgeom:
## [1] 0.5787037

Finally, we can use simulation to approximate the result:
## [1] 0.581

Example 🏀
Let X be the random variable which counts the number of free throws Steph Curry makes before missing one. We model a Steph Curry free throw as a Bernoulli trial, but we choose “success” to be a missed free throw, so that P=0.1 and X∼Geom(0.1).
The expected number of “failures” is
which means we expect Steph to make 9 free throws before missing one. To make 20 in a row,
## [1] 0.1215767

we see that Steph Curry could run off 20 (or more) free throws in a row about 12% of the times he wants to try. (This is not factual, please don't come at me sideways ❤️)

Normal Distribution: 📊

Table 2
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
dnorm(x, mean, sd)
probability density function
evaluate the Normal probability density (with a given mean/SD) at a point (or vector of points)
pnorm(q, mean, sd)
cumulative distribution function
evaluate the cumulative distribution function for a Normal distribution
qnorm(p, mean, sd)
quantile function
returns critical values in the normal distribution for a given percentile with a given mean and a given standard deviation.
rnorm(n, mean, sd)
random number generator
generate random Normal variates with a given mean and standard deviation
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We can use pnorm() to calculate cumulative probabilities. For example, let’s calculate the probability that our random variable X takes a value less than or equal to -1.
pnorm(-1, 0, 1)
## [1] 0.1586553

We can also calculate the probability that X takes some value within a certain interval. For example, let’s calculate P(-2 <= X <= 1)
pnorm(1, 0, 1) - pnorm(-2, 0, 1)
## [1] 0.8185946

The R function pnorm computes the cdf of the normal distribution, as
pnorm(x) =P(Z≤x).
Using this, we can compute the probability that Z lies within 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations of its mean: (It's okay if you have no idea what this all means)
Now lets plot the Normal curve in Rstudio
# create a sequence of 100 equaly spaced numbers between -4 and 4
temp1 <- seq(-4, 4, length=100)

#create a vector of values that shows the height of the distribution
temp2 <- dnorm(temp1)

# plot x and y as a scatterplot with connected lines (type = "1")
# also add labels on your x-axis
plot(temp1,temp2, type= "1", lwd= 2, axes= FALSE, xlab= "", ylab= "")
axis(1, at= -3:3, labels=c("-3s","-2s","-1s","mean","1s","2s","3s"))

This is the output:
Example 👶
The birth weights of babies are known to be normally distributed with a mean weight of 120 ounces and a standard deviation of 20 ounces.
A “low birth weight” baby is one that is born in the 5th percentile of this distribution. This is of concern for a variety of reasons, such as the fact that low birth weight babies have lower rates of survival than normal birth weight babies.
A baby that is born at this weight or lower is considered low birth weight.
We can use the qnorm() function to do this.
The first argument 0.05 is the percentile we’re aiming for (in this case the fifth percentile)
The second and third arguments are the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution curve that we’re considering, in this case 120 and 20 respectively.
qnorm(0.05, 120, 20)
## [1] 87.10293

This returns a value of about 87.1 ounces. About 5.4lbs.
Another birth weight category is “very low birth weight”, which is a birth weight less than or equal to 52 ounces. In what percentile is this weight threshold?
To answer this question, we can use pnorm().
pnorm(52, 120, 20)
## [1] 0.0003369293

⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️ ⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️
Now let’s use the information we’ve found so far to answer a trickier question: given that a baby is born with low birth weight, what is the probability that this baby has very low birth weight?
This is a conditional probability question. The most transparent and intuitive way to answer this is to save the two relevant probabilities that we need to calculate the conditional one as variables and then use them together in a subsequent step to calculate the answer.
pLow <- pnorm(qnorm(0.05, 120, 20), 120, 20)
pVeryLow <- pnorm(52, 120, 20)

pVeryLowGivenLow <- p_very_low / p_low

## [1] 0.006738585

Example 📝 💯
ACT scores are normally distributed with a mean of 18 and a standard deviation of 6. SAT scores are normally distributed with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100.
Suppose a student named Jill takes the SAT and gets a score of 680. Her classmate Jack plans to take the ACT. What score does Jack need to get so that he does as well as Jill?
This question seems poorly phrased at first. How can we compare SAT and ACT scores if they’re measured on different scales? Since these test scores are normally distributed, all we need to do is standardize the scores for both tests.
We can do this using z scores, which is something that you have certainly learned about if you’ve taken a Statistics class before. Z scores for SAT and ACT scores will make these test scores comparable because they’ll be on the same scale. We will then compare them using the standard normal distribution, which has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
To calculate z scores, we’re going to create a simple function called z_score() which contains the formula for calculating this value. Its arguments are the variables that we need for this formula. Let’s try it out on Jill’s SAT score of 680.
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