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🙏 Please send us feedback

We built this doc for specifically for Podcast Creators and would love to hear from you if you have any questions or feedback for us!
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Welcome to our Podcast Planner! We're super excited to have you here
Anonymous User
We've tried to cover 3 main areas of producing and hosting a podcast: 📝Content, 🌍Community and 📢Sponsors.


We'll now go over each tool that will help you create and manage your content.

▫️ Calendar

The section gives you an overview of when episodes were recorded and published. Setting a tentative publish date for the episode you're currently planning will also show you how much time you have until the next episode need to be up.
Example of time until next episode release.

▫️ Episodes Overview

The section shows a detail view of all published episodes and the currently planned episode in descending order by episode number. Each episode features a SoundCloud embed (could be swapped for YouTube or other embeds) and at a glance information on each episode.

▫️ Episode Planning

This folder has an section with detailed instructions on how to start planning a new episode. This is also where you can add a section for the episode you're currently planning, see 'Episode 7' in image above.

▫️ Personal Notes

The Personal Notes section can be used to create a scratch pad for each user. Each user can use these section to create personal checklists or use it as sandboxes to try new features or use it as a Personal Dashboard with only the data, views and stats they care about. See and for examples.

▫️ Topic Ideas

In the Topic Ideas folder you can , view that haven't been discussed yet and also view and filter them by topic category and the episodes they were discussed in.

▫️ Resources

The Resources folder houses all of your resources, , and details about your social accounts live and .

▫️ Templates

The Templates folder contains all the section templates you would like to use in the doc. We created templates for and .

▫️ Archives

We created 3 Archive folders that you can use to keep your navigation clean.

▫️ Data

All of the globally used data and named are stored under the Data folder. We also put together a very opinionated which outlines the naming conventions we used throughout this doc. If you have some more opinionated ideas on how to improve this please feel free to
drop us a message on twitter
. We would love to hear your suggestions!


This section might look small, but there is a lot going on here! 💣
We set up a Zap to import every message sent to on . You can learn how to set this up for your own copy of this doc and twitter accounts by following our guide.
That's not all we did though... We also tapped into the power of the Google Natural Language Pack for Coda and automatically run sentiment analysis on every tweet 💪
Sentiment Analysis in action!
If there's any part of this you don't understand feel free to
ask us a question
and as a bonus see your tweet appear in the section under the #AskRelativelyProductive hashtag filter.


The Sponsors section is very basic and still needs a lot of attention. This is mainly because we don't have any sponsors yet and it just hasn't been a priority for us to build anything in this section yet. We would love to get feedback from other Podcast Creators on best practices and tools for managing sponsors and ads.
I have some tips for you!

▫️ Advertisements

The section allows you to filter ads that have been run by Sponsor so you can get an overview of which episodes were sponsored by which sponsors. Currently there are no 'Add Sponsor' or 'Add Advertisement' buttons but new data can be added manually in the tables on the and sections.

▫️ Notes

The notes sections are purely there for storing notes and preferences for each Sponsor. There is also a general section for notes that relate to all Sponsors.

🔨Tools & Settings


▫️ Publish Checklist

The is a neat little self-contained table that has been modified to represent a checklist. It allows you to click a Checkbox button to complete items and you can set specific tasks as blockers for subsequent tasks. The example data in the checklist is a slightly simplified version of the checklist that
@Jacob Pretorius
actually uses to publish episodes.

▫️ Edit Efficiency

The tool tracks editing time per minute of content. The goal is to reduce the amount of time it takes to edit every episode.
@Jacob Pretorius
has been doing well to improve his efficiency!

▫️ Expense Tracker

Nothing special on the really. It's just a list of expenses and who paid for it so we can keep track of what we spend on the podcast. It also has some graphs and filters to query expenses.
Those amounts are South African Rands (ZAR) by the way, not Pounds or USD 😜

▫️ CPM Calculator

The helps you to calculate how much you can charge for an ad placement in your next episode. We haven't actually used this yet... Hopefully we will soon 😄

▫️ UI Customisation

We included a section where you can add some personal flair to your doc 🦄🌈
Send screenshots of your creative Emoji usage to !

🚧Work in Progress

We don't see this as the final version of this document. Not by a long shot! One if the best things about Coda is that this document can grow with us on this journey we've embarked on. So we'll keep adding new features and improvements to this doc, so check back regularly for updates. We'll also be discussing current developments and improvements on the podcast, so be sure to give a listen.
Things we're planning to add next
Add Topic Ideas (and other useful Siri Shortcuts)
Improved Sponsor Management Tools (We still have a lot to learn here ourselves)
Improved Community Management Tools

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Created with ❤️ by and from for Product Hunt's Makers Festival 2019
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