Sections of the Course

Upwind Finish

Treat an upwind finish the same as any beat to windward you do

Get out to the edge of the beat you want to sail early, like any other one
FINISH ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE LINE AS YOU SAILED THE BEAT, if you sailed up the left side, finish on the left side of the line, and vice versa
If port is the favored tack, the favored end will be starboard and vice versa
If starboard is the favored tack, the favored end will be port and vice versa

Crew Communications

Where other boats are and how to keep the most in your zone
Which side of the finish is favored
Puffs around the finish to give you those extra few inches on the final approach

Important Skills to Practice

Favored tack recognition
When and how to put boats in your zone


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