Sections of the Course


The gate is where the most gains and losses can be made on the downwind

When approaching the gate, STAY AWAY FROM THE MIDDLE, Rule 18 always favors the boats on the outside

Even though red and green are on the same ladder rung at the gate, behind on the outside entering the zones can be the difference between 1st and 7th

In Depth Details

A good rounding can be just as important as a good start
The earlier on the downwind you begin to jockey for position on the gate you want, the better chance you will round inside
NEVER PINWHEEL(rounding the mark on the outside of a boat)
Pinwheeling leads to being covered in a bad lane and while the boats behind you have more freedom and clear air
Once you establish yourself inside the 3 boat length zone it is ok to slow down and wait your turn to round as long as it means you will be full speed and close hauled around the mark
Instead of keeping speed up at point 1 and pinwheeling like point 2, you can over trim your main, slow down and turn up behind the boats with room and round like point 3 with a clear lane

Crew Communications

Approaching the 3 boat length circle, begin talking with your drive and to other boats to determine who does and does not have room, let the driver focus on driving the boat rather than talking with others
Once the rounding order is determined, focus on your boat handling to get the boat around the make in the best way possible to have great speed and angle around the gate

Important Skills to Practice

Mark roundings
Down speed boat handling
Quick accelerations
Holding your lane


Powerball roundings
Windward Leeward marks set up about 10 boat lengths apart. Everyone will circle the windward mark in no particular order counter clockwise. A specified mark rounding direction will be given before the whistle is blown. On the whistle everyone will turn down simultaneously to round the mark, after rounding sail back up to the windward mark to restart.
The goal is to practice quickly getting into a good rounding location, practice down speed boat handling, and rounding the mark without pinwheeling and coming out of the mark with a lane, full speed and close hauled.
Slanted roundings
3 marks will be set up in a triangle formation, the windward mark will be in the middle and on a close hauled course from both leeward marks. Alternate which leeward mark you go to and always round the windward mark to port.
The goal is to practice leeward mark roundings going in both directions


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