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Dhivya's Coda Playground
Coda basics

icon picker

Pages are portions of a doc dedicated to specific information; think of them like tabs in a spreadsheet. A Coda doc starts with a familiar blank page and can grow into many pages as a project evolves and needs change. Pages comprise the basic scaffolding of your doc. You can nest them inside one another. Reference them in formulas. Fold them up with collapsible content, jump around them with outlines, and frame each one with a header image.


Practice with pages.

To put your learning to the test, follow the steps below. Once you’ve completed the tasks, you can check your work by expanding the example dropdown.
Add a new page by clicking on the “+New page” button on the left panel
Add icons and update the names of your pages to practice formatting your doc.
Add a subpage (or three!) to see how you can organize and create a hierarchy for your information.
Type “/link”.
Choose a page to reference.
Change the link to a card view.

Expand to reveal an example.

Once you have added some pages, your side panel should look something like this:

Up next:

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.