Increase time spent on marketing and sales each day, each week.
marketing - grow an audience, build my network, position myself as an authority/ as someone who contributes value within this domain to others.
sales - have more conversations with real customers, better understand who we serve and how we serve them, validate our program, coaching, and system dev services, increase revenue, increase personal income to live a better, less stressful life, make the business successful.
10/26/2023, 11:53 AM
Spend more time working from my zone of genius.
Package and share what I know / we know about productivity, high performance, impact, work, time, energy management - what works and what doesn’t, and why.
Achieve asymmetrical returns (financial returns, personal fulfillment and growth returns) on my time
Fully live a life worth living
10/26/2023, 11:54 AM