
Wisdom for the next Decade

My message

After re-connecting, I wanted to provide you with resources for the next 10 years. As someone approaching 40, I reflect on what I would like to know today if I was 30. Also, what will assist you along your own journey in this game of life.
Wisdom and insights are hidden in books. However, we need the right mindset or mental state to understand certain information and concepts. It's more powerful to be inspired than to be told. This is my attempt to give you resources to inspire your next steps wherever they may lead you.
Reflecting on the last 8 years, when I was 30, and thinking about the next decade, 2024-2034, the following themes will be lasting areas of personal growth.
Money / Finances / Investing
Technology & Entrepreneurship

How to use the recommendations

As this is not a structured assistment. There is no right or wrong way to proceed. As I mentioned, our minds can only absorb what we are ready for. Whether digital books or audio - it's up to your preference. I suggest starting with the theme you are most attracted to. As for taking notes, that is fine, but I would be most interested in the "ideas" that pop up as I consume the information. No need to be too legalistic. Lastly, I wouldn't get lost in the books. Small steps of action that challenge your comfort zone will bring growth.

The recommendations



Money / Finances / Investing



Most conventional wisdom is derived from the Bible. There were past periods, especially when I was in an intense “creative” mode, I found it helpful to read a chapter of the book of Proverbs per day. So if today is the 21st, I would read: .
The goal is not to fully understand or like it, but rather to seek what’s relevant for you.


I have no specific recommendations here. If I feel strongly about something, I will let you know.

Technology & Entrepreneurship

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