Project setup
Setup NestJS app with dockerized PostgreSQL database, migration and seed system
ER Diagram
Create detailed ERD
CI Setup
Setting up automatic deployment system
Tests setup
Setup End-to-End and Unit tests in NestJS
Authentication - Local
Create local strategy for authentication based on email and password
Authentication - JWT
Create token based authentication
Payment controller
Integrate Stripe
User Account Functionality
User service
User should be able to add and edit personal informations such as first name, last name, phone number, shipping address and billing address
User should be able to reset password
User should be able to change password
User Inventory Functionality
Inventory service
User should be able to see products that he already bought
Categories CRUD
Categories service
There are unlimited categories
We are keeping this in separate service to leave possibility of adding new categories in the future
Products CRUD
Products service
User should be able to see all products
User should be able to filter and/or search products
User should be able to see personalised products recommendations
User should be able to see similar products
User should be able to see last viewed products
Admin should be able to add new products, update and delete them
Cart functionality
Cart service
User should be able to add or remove products from his cart in logged out and logged in state
User should be able to keep all products he added to cart in logged out state when he loges in
User should be able to see content of his cart
Order functionality
Order service
User should be able to create new order
User should be able to see his order history
Admin should be able to see all orders
Voucher and discounts functionality
Voucher service
User should be able to use voucher on products
Admin should be able to create new vouchers
Admin should be able to add discount to specific products
Pagination controller
Create global pagination
Mail service
Setup NestJS mailer
Create reset password mail
Create any additional mails that client wants, for example order confirmation, order delivery etc.
File service
We need to determine file storage for uploading images, videos, pdfs etc.
It could be Azure storage
End-to-End tests
Developers should test the entire software product from beginning to end to ensure the application flow behaves as expected
Payment - Tests
Developers should test payment flow to ensure it behaves as expected
Newsletter functionality
Miscelaneous smaller features
Automatizirana integracija i sinhronizacija sa podacima iz našeg sustava (zalihe,
cijene, akcije) registrirani kupci
We need more information
Project setup
Setup Next.js SSR app with Redux
CI Setup
Setting up automatic deployment system
Global styles
Create global typography, buttons, color scheme
Form controller
Create generic form controller that will make it easy to create all forms in app
Modal setup
Create generic modal that will make it easy to create all modals in page (Add to cart confirmation, Signup etc)
Authentication setup
Signup and Login functionality
Token based authentication
Authentication setup - Forgot password
Forgot password functionality
Send email
Reset password
Authentication setup - Logout
Clear all user information on logout
Tests setup
Setup End-to-End tests
Header and Footer
Create global header and footer
Shop screen
Show all products with pagination with search and filter functionality
Single Product screen
Show product info and gallery with zoom option
User should be able to share product to Facebook and Twitter
User details screen
Create preview profile info
Create form so user can edit profile and save changes
Create change password form
Create preview user inventory
My Orders screen
Create list of orders with pagination
Create sorting functionality
Order export functionality
Cart Functionality
Create overview of current products in cart
Create remove from cart functionality
Create change amount of product in cart functionality
Create section with preview of total price
Create form for inserting shipping and billing info
Logged in user should be able to have these fields prefilled with data from users profile.
User should be able to use same address for billing and shipping
Create Cart overview with info about total price
Create section for voucher
User should be able to select way of delivery
Newsletter functionality
Chat system
We can use Intercom
Redirect old links to new ones
Miscelaneous smaller features
Login page - Authentication
Create Login page and token based authentication for administrators
Dashboard screen
Create general overview of statistics such as percentage of users that have purchased at least one order, best selling products, number of orders by month etc. Create Charts UI - basic overview Accounts screen
Create overview of all users and their roles Create search functionality by name, email and role Admin should be able to update user info and billing address Admin should be able to see users statistics (Registrirani kupci, aktivni kupci, kupci sa
jednom kupovinom, bivši kupci bez kupovine, samo registrirani, kupci iz inozemstva
po IP adresi, kupci iz BiH)
Financial screen
Show list of all invoices from stripe Enable invoice download as PDF Delivery screen
Show list of all orders with pagination Create filter - order delivered or order in progress Ispisi po narudžbama ukupno, odvojeno po dostavnim mjestima i usluzi Pokupi, dostava Sarajevo, Zenica, Banja Luka, Mostar, Sanski Most, Doboj i Tuzla Pokupi
usluga Brčko, Prijedor, Ključ, Bihać I drugi
Products screen
Preview all and single product Create form so admin can create a new product Admin can edit and update existing product Kategorije artikala koje se nalaze u košarici, top artikli, top kategorije, najčešće kupuju, prosiječna košarica, aktivan, suspendovan, eliminisan artikal
Popis artikala bez slike, artikli koje se ne kupuju i ne dodaju u košaricu Discounts and Promotions screen
Preview all products with discounts and vouchers Create form so admin can create a new voucher Admin can edit voucher - change it to activated/deactivated Admin can add and edit discount on products Admin can remove discount from product Miscelaneous smaller features