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Teeming - Sharing our progress

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Vision, Mission and Purpose

We find ourselves in an uncertain time – a time of transition between what is dying and what is yet to be born. We want all to know we are part of the great creation of our times. We not just learn the rules of a new economy, we most learn how to generate them.
RECURV is a lab, a dojo, a relational field of knowledge that transforms the individual and helps them become alchemists capable of redesigning the systems in which they are embedded. We envision people coming to Recurv not only with the aspiration to design and embody new social economic systems but to recover from the capitalist frames of scarcity, trauma and extraction in which we have been raised.
RECURV, seeks to be a crucible where the foundational stones of future social and economic systems are carved and polished. Recurv invites all to a messy yet creative process, not promised the outcome but given the field, the tools and the space to innovate. Learners will plunge into the depths of a transformative journey that calls their minds and captivates their hearts. Supported towards real-world applications and scenarios. It’s a harmonious dance between human curiosity, ancient knowledge and innovative frameworks, shaping a symphony that propels individuals to explore, learn, create, and innovate.

Our Vision


A world where economies nourish all life

Our Mission


Awakening people’s creative power to shape social and economic dynamics into patterns of collective well-being



To spark a creative R/Evolution that drives the transformation of our planet’s Social Operating System to nurture all life.

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