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The Premises


“All problems of existence are essentially problems of
” Sri Aurobindo
As the result of the Spirit’s manifestation in nature, the universe has a process of evolving consciousness, from matter to life to mind. The disharmony, conflicts, and problems we face, stem from a lack of conscious awareness of our inherent unity and harmony with all existence. Harmony, in this sense, is a fundamental law of the cosmos, which, when realized, can resolve the apparent contradictions and struggles of life.

Harmony = Healthy Patterns of Flow

The Dance of Life is animated by the healthy patterns of flow
The concept of flow can be applied to so many areas of life and society. Whether it's health, performance, relationships, work environments, or larger social and ecological systems, we need to maintain a healthy flow in order to achieve balance and optimal functioning. Viewing harmonies as healthy patterns of flow offers a dynamic and holistic way to understand how systems function at their best. It's not just about static balance, but about movement, exchange, and progression.

Harmony is crafted through deliberate shaping of flows

Everything is interconnected by the ways of flow. The systems we participate in are defined by the movement of various forms of value / energy. Current-sees influence the dynamics of any system. They are symbolic systems that makes the intangible tangible, the invisible visible and shapes how resources—whether they're money, information, or energy—move through a system.
By equating flow with current, and then current with current-see, we're framing currency not just as money, but as any medium that facilitates the exchange and movement of value. We promote currency as a fundamental tool in creating harmonious systems.

Any problems can be addressed through current-sees

Its all about how things are flowing
"To solve the problems of existence, we must master the art of "seeing flows" and designing incentives that align human behavior towards healthy patterns of flow. We assert that current-sees are instruments for shaping harmonious systems.
Life's harmony is composed by the melody of its flows.

Premises Deep Dive


Harmony in nature often refers to a balance or equilibrium within ecosystems. Every element, from plants and animals to weather and the landscape, interacts and relies on one another. These relationships are governed by natural laws that ensure the smooth functioning of the ecosystem. For instance, predators control the population of prey species, which in turn maintain the plant life, and this supports the health of the entire system. When all parts of an ecosystem are in balance, we say there is harmony. When something disrupts this balance, nature tends to adapt or re-establish equilibrium over time. This dynamic balance is essential for the sustainability and health of our environment.
Harmony in human social systems is about balance and cooperation among individuals and groups. It's about the ways in which people coexist peacefully and work together for the common good. When social harmony exists, there's a sense of community, mutual respect, and an understanding that everyone's well-being is interconnected.
For example, in a harmonious society, laws and social norms help manage conflicts, diverse groups collaborate, and the distribution of resources is fair. People feel a sense of belonging and contribute to society, while society, in turn, supports the individual. In such a system, the different parts of society, like education, health, economics, and politics, work together smoothly.
And Lakshmi, in Hindu tradition, as the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspice, represents the notion of balance and abundance in the economy and commerce, which can be seen as forms of social harmony.
The quest for social harmony is ongoing and, despite the setbacks, many people and communities strive for it daily through acts of kindness, community service, dialogue, and building understanding across different groups. It's a goal that requires constant effort and may never be perfectly achieved, but many believe it's worth striving for to improve the quality of life for everyone involved.
When harmony is disrupted by things like inequality, injustice, or lack of communication, social systems strive to restore balance through dialogue, reforms, or sometimes, unfortunately, through conflict.
In economic terms, harmony could be thought of as a state where resources are allocated efficiently and fairly, contributing to the overall prosperity and well-being of a community. It means we most code our systems towards harmony.
The challenge is in applying these ideals to real-world social systems, which are complex and often resistant to change.

Health patterns of Flow

The water cycle, the nutrient cycles, and migration patterns—are flows that sustains life. In human systems, we play with flows of communication, narratives, resources, and services that contribute to a society's health and vitality.
Disruptions to harmony can be seen as blockages or imbalances in flow. Addressing problems becomes a matter of enabling, shaping or making this flows visible.
It might be simply about creating conditions that allow for this flow to happen naturally, like open communication, flexibility, and a supportive environment.

Any problem can be addressed through current-sees

Through the art of balancing, shaping and enabling flows, we get to be architects of harmony.
“It’s all about how things are flowing.”
Seeing currency as a way to enable or measure flow expands its meaning beyond economics. It becomes a tool for understanding and influencing the dynamics of any system. In social systems, it translates to how influence, ideas, narratives, power, and even emotions circulate within a community. It’s a reminder that everything is interconnected and that the systems we participate in are defined by the movement of various forms of value / energy. It's a symbolic system that makes the intangible tangible, the invisible visible and shapes how resources—whether they're money, information, or energy—move through a system.


"In the architecture of existence, harmonious solutions are crafted through the deliberate design of flows, where currency acts as the blueprint for balance and movement."
"The key to transcending existence's discord lies in the healthy patterns of flow. We most allow for larger streams of exchange, using currencies as living maps that guide us to harmonious shores."

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