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SMR Reports

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Provincial Results by SMR Section and Agency

How well teachers performing in each SMR Section?

Exploring overall scores across different SMR sections

This report displays two charts that show SMR results by:
Provincial score by SMR Section (sorted low to high score) in the form you used in kobo toolbox, and
Results for Agency schools vs Simbu score, which breaks scores down by selected ageny
Each chart shows the provicial scores for different sections of the SMR e.g Planning and Programming, Pupils Learning effectiveness
The report displays the Overall Score for the selected SMR Section.
You can adjust this SMR Section filter to view results for different sections such as Planning and Programming.

Provincial score by SMR Section

Compare results for each SMR section for the selected Agency with the overall results for Simbu

The chart below shows the Results by selected Agencies vs Simbu results for each section in the SMR form.
The Orange bars represent overall Simbu score for each SMR section, while the blue bars show the Average Score for the selected Agency.
You can use the filters to view results for one or more Agencies.
This chart could guide you and Agencies focis on where different types of INSET could be run

Results for
Agency schools vs Simbu score

Results for
Agencies are recorded using the SMR Form.
You have
of those agencies selected using the dropdown filter

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