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KuduPro Knowledge Hub
Welcome to KuduPro
Contact Management
Field Management
Job Changes
Cash Sale
To an Individual
If a contact already exists for the individual, skip to step 2. If you need to create a contact for the individual, follow steps 1a-1d
Create a Contact
Select Individual as the Contact Type
Deselect the checkbox for “lead”
Add a Delivery and Invoice Address
Create a Sales Order
Select the Individual as the customer
Add the product to the Order Lines Page
Add a Delivery Address and Invoice Address
Select a Tax Type
Service Location: You can put a reference such as “Cash Sale”
Confirm the Sales Order
Open the Pick Ticket and Assign the material that was sold
Pick the Pick Ticket
Return to the Sales Order
Click “Create Invoice”
Open Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Invoices
Search the SO# to pull up the invoice
Validate the Invoice
Open the invoice and click “Register Payment”
Choose Cash as the Payment Method
Enter the Paid Amount and Submit
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