Standard Price and Standard Cost
Standard Price: Used as a default for Store Price
Standard Cost: used as “placeholder” for product cost on order lines
Standard Price: Used as a default for Store Price
Standard Cost: Used as a default for Store Cost
Standard Price = the price that you set here serves as the default store price when you add a product to a store catalog. Standard Cost = When an order is created, we use the standard cost of a product as a placeholder until we have an actual cost of material to tie back to the order line. As soon as a Pick Ticket is completed, the cost will automatically update with an actual cost of material Freight Price = Ignore for now, this is not a working field Load Price = Ignore for now, this is not a working field Store Price = This is the price that will be used on Quotations and Sales Orders when spec. pricing does not exist. Product Pricing Visual
Standard Price = used as a default Store Price Standard Cost = used as a default Store Cost Store Price = what we charge the customer when spec. price doesn’t exist Store Cost = what we pay the installer when spec. price doesn’t exist Service Pricing Visual
How Customer Pricing Works
Store Price is the price that each customer gets by default. The moment you create a new customer, they automatically inherit the full store catalog at store prices.
Spec. Price is customer specific pricing. The purpose of Spec. Pricing is to only add prices that are different from the Store Price. Rather than creating a full pricelist for every customer, you only need to add prices that are different from Store Price.
Where to view your store pricing
From the Sales Module Side-Menu, select Store Catalogs, the select your store. You’re brought to Store Catalog list view, with it filtered to Products. To view Services, select the Services tab to the right of Products. When a Product or Service has variants, it will show an expandable/collapsible button from the list view. By expanding it, you can see each variant and it’s store price.
How to manage Store Pricing
Open a Product or Service from the Store Catalog There are two views you can work from. Product: Changes made from the Product view will update all variants of that products Variant: Changes made from the Variant view will only update the single variant you’ve selected To edit a Store Price, Click “Edit Stores” Select the Store and set a Store Price. This price will now be used for all customers who do not have a spec. price for this product