at the Topos Institute. This discusses “Categories that are suitable for databases”. Very interesting & may relate to databases for e.g. for well-typed ActInf things/ecosystems, cognitive models/frameworks/tools/methods, etc....
“Heuristically, the axioms defining a collection monad state that each collection has a finite set of members of X, that pure 1-element collections exist and that a collection of collections flattens to a single collection whose members are the union of the members of the constituent collections. The relationship between monads and universal algebra leads to a formal definition of collection implementation in terms of tree-processing. ”
Notions of computation and monads, Eugenio Moggi — early and well-cited 1991 paper.
Curation & datasets. And — Why is a dataset considered real? What about them is real?
How can we have high integrity information supply chain?