
Formal Analysis Self-Assessment Rubric

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A - AB, Excellent

introduction moves smoothly to the thesis
introduction and/or conclusion summarizes the main points of the paper and restates the thesis statement
paragraphs use smooth transition sentences
each paragraph is well-developed and has a central topic that relates to the thesis
strong and coherent organization that builds analysis

B - B/C, Good

thesis statement is stated in the introduction
introduction and/or conclusion summarizes the main points of the paper and restates the thesis statement
paragraphs uses some transition sentences
each paragraph has a central topic that relates to the thesis
coherent organization

C, Developing

thesis statement is stated in the introduction, but may not be obvious
introduction and/or conclusion summarizes the main points of the paper and restates the thesis statement
paragraphs uses some transition sentences
each paragraph has a central topic that relates to the thesis
evidence of organization but doesn’t build the analysis

D, Underdeveloped

thesis is not clearly stated in the introduction
introduction and/or conclusion may not summarize main points
paragraphs may not use transition sentences
paragraphs may lack a central topic
may lack a logical flow of information
little evidence of organization

F, Failing

thesis is not clearly stated in the introduction
does not have introduction and/or conclusion
paragraphs do not use transition sentences
paragraphs lack a central topic
lacking a logical flow of information
no evidence of organization


Your organization score:


A - A/B, Excellent

demonstrates close and sustained looking at the artwork
ample evidence of art historical terms or knowledge to describe the artwork effectively and clearly
all applicable formal aspects of the work have been thoughtfully and thoroughly addressed

B - B/C, Good

demonstrates close looking at the artwork
evidence of art historical terms or knowledge to describe the artwork
applicable formal aspects of the work have been addressed but may be lacking in some details

C, Developing

demonstrates some close looking at the artwork
some evidence of art historical terms or knowledge to describe the artwork
all applicable formal aspects of the work are addressed adequately but lacks details

D, Underdeveloped

demonstrates little looking at the artwork
little evidence of art historical terms or knowledge to describe the artwork
some applicable formal aspects of the work are addressed adequately but lacks in details

F, Failing

little to no evidence of close looking
shows little to no evidence of art historical terms or knowledge to describe the artwork
some applicable formal aspects of the work are addressed but lacks details


Your description score:

Thesis and Analysis

A - AB, Excellent

thesis is thoroughly supported with clear examples
clear and thorough explanation of relationship of different elements and how they contribute to meaning of the artwork
uses specific observation and documentary evidence to substantiate analysis
paper has a well-developed balance of formal aspects and original discussion, ideas and/or opinions

B - B/C, Good

thesis is supported with examples
explanation of relationship of different elements and how they contribute to meaning of the artwork
uses specific observation and documentary evidence to substantiate analysis
paper has a balance of formal aspects with original discussion, ideas and/or opinions, but may rely more on description rather than analysis.

C, Developing

thesis is not well supported with examples
some explanation of relationship of different elements and how they contribute to meaning of the artwork
uses some observation and documentary evidence to substantiate analysis, but may not be specific
paper has a some balance of formal aspects with original discussion, ideas and/or opinions of the student, but rely more on discussion of formal aspects of the work rather than analysis.

D, Underdeveloped

thesis statement may be too broad, to narrow, or unclear and may not be supported with examples
little explanation of relationship of different elements and how they contribute to meaning of the artwork
uses little observation and documentary evidence to substantiate analysis
relies too heavily on discussion of formal aspects of the work with little original discussion, ideas and/or opinions by the student

F, Failing

lacks a thesis
no clear explanation of relationship of different elements and how they contribute to meaning of the artwork
uses no specific observation and documentary evidence to substantiate analysis
relies much too heavily on formal aspects of the work with little/no discussion by the student


Your thesis and analysis score:

Clarity and Conventions

A - AB, Excellent

professional appearance
very few if any grammar issues
language is evocative and specific
no evidence of monotonous, superfluous, mechanical, or repetitive language
very little/none of the language is informal
very few to no type-os and errors

B - B/C, Good

professional appearance
few grammar issues
language is evocative and specific
very little of the language is monotonous, mechanical, or repetitive
very little of the language is informal
few type-os and errors

C, Developing

professional appearance
some grammar issues
language is somewhat specific
some of the language may be monotonous, superfluous, mechanical, or repetitive
little of the language is informal
some type-os and errors

D, Underdeveloped

unprofessional appearance: different fonts, ink issues, etc.
language is somewhat specific
many grammar issues
language may be monotonous, superfluous, mechanical, or repetitive
language may be informal
frequent type-os and errors

F, Failing

unprofessional appearance: different fonts, ink issues, etc.
significant grammar issues
language is lacking in specificity
language is often monotonous, mechanical, superfluous, or repetitive
language is too informal
significant type-os and errors


Your clarity and conventions score:


A - AB, Excellent

correct margin size
meets page requirement
title of artwork is always italicized
included an image of the artwork(s) with correct label information

B - B/C, Good

correct margin size
meets page requirement
title is always italicized
included an image of the artwork(s) with correct label information

C, Developing

correct margin size
meets page requirement
title is always italicized
included an image of the artwork(s), but label is missing some information

D, Underdeveloped

may have incorrect margin size
page requirements may not be met, or are close
title may not be italicized
student has not included any images

F, Failing

incorrect margin size
page requirements not met
title isn’t italicized
student has not included an image of the artwork

Your format score:

Revision and Peer Review

Check the box if you participated in peer review and used feedback to make revisions.

Final Score:

Thesis and Analysis:
Clarity and conventions:
Revision and Peer Review:


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