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A Short History of Economics: From Game A to Creditism

The Equation of Capitalism vs Creditism


Title: A Comparative Analysis of Capitalism and Creditism: Perspectives on Resource Ownership, Money Creation, and Individual Empowerment
Introduction: The economic systems of capitalism and creditism represent contrasting approaches to resource ownership, money creation, and individual empowerment. This essay delves into the key differences between capitalism and creditism.
Ownership and Control of Resources: Capitalism revolves around private ownership and control of resources, where individuals rely on investors or banks for credit to start operations. In contrast, creditism introduces a decentralized approach where credit is directly introduced for personal and community projects, shifting control over resources to a more grassroots level.
Money Creation and Wealth Generation: The mechanism of money creation differs significantly between capitalism and creditism. In capitalism, banks create money through debt, leading to wealth creation but also financial risks. On the other hand, creditism empowers individuals to introduce money directly, enabling more control over investments and potentially reshaping wealth distribution models.
Dependency on Income and Labor: Under capitalism, individuals often depend on selling their labor to corporations for income, limiting their freedom and control over their contributions to society. Creditism proposes a system where individuals have greater control over their income and investments, reducing reliance on traditional corporate structures and fostering a more participatory economic model.
Implications for Society and Economy: The contrasting approaches of capitalism and creditism have profound implications for society and the economy. Capitalism's concentration of resources and reliance on debt-based money creation can lead to wealth inequality and financial instability. In contrast, creditism's emphasis on individual empowerment and decentralized money creation may promote economic resilience and community-driven initiatives.
Challenges and Opportunities: While capitalism has been the dominant economic system for centuries, it faces challenges such as income inequality, environmental degradation, and financial crises. Creditism presents an alternative model that addresses some of these challenges by empowering individuals to make investment decisions and promoting sustainable economic practices.
Potential for Transformation: The transition from capitalism to creditism represents a paradigm shift in how we view ownership, money creation, and individual agency in the economy. By embracing a more decentralized and participatory approach to resource management and wealth creation, creditism offers the potential to create a more equitable and sustainable economic system.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the comparison between capitalism and creditism highlights the fundamental differences in resource ownership, money creation, and individual empowerment. While capitalism has been the cornerstone of modern economies, creditism presents a compelling alternative that prioritizes community-driven initiatives and economic resilience. By understanding these differences and their implications, we can envision a future where economic systems are designed to benefit society as a whole, fostering prosperity and well-being for all.


The Equation of Capitalism vs the equation of Common Planet
Hey everybody, I'm Ramsey Bye Tommy. I'm going to talk today a little bit about the equation of capitalism.
Last time I did a podcast or a live video chat, we talked about the equation of humanity. So let me just quickly recap that. When this live video is done, I will maybe do some editing and post up some graphs along with the video in the background, and we could have something more entertaining.
Anyway, so really quickly, the equation of humanity was property plus governance equals society. What that means essentially is that we take all of the rules of existing property—you know, the control of the access to and the distribution of everything that is property, including your own body, right, your labor, land, resources, buildings, houses, equipment—even is all of that. That's property.
The governance part is pretty straightforward. It is the rules of our behavior and decision-making. Who gets to decide what the rules of our behavior in our local communities or globe are? So the governance portion of it, but most people would assume that direct democracy is the best possible way to have make decisions about our behavior and rules about our community where we live and where we work and where we play. That would make sense.
So okay, so let's talk about the equation of capitalism. And the capitalism now is in that realm of property right. So what we're talking about here is that equation of property within the equation of humanity. So we recognize that what capitalism is is the private ownership and control of resources, land, buildings, equipment, and people. And you, your labor, is actually owned by your corporation. You have to sell yourselves in order to make money to somebody else who owns the means of production and who owns the natural resources of the planet, which really should and do belong to all of us when we decide to take them. They will.
Okay, so for a capitalist to create a corporation, they need to find either investors, right, angel investors—you can get direct money from, you know, individuals, rich people, angel investors, venture capital firms—or you can borrow money from the banks. And then with that money, you are allowed to then buy and own resources, land, buildings, equipment, and people. So you need money up front in this equation of capitalism in order to produce what you want to produce, either product or service, doesn't really matter, but you do need in order to—you do need capital in order to run the operation. Obviously, this is the equation of capitalism, so money is required first upfront. And the waiting is to get of course is from the existing well from different people or capitalists or banks. And that's it. Okay, so so you spend all this money, you produce your end product, and now the risk that you undertook with this money by producing this product or service, you're assuming that people want it. And so you're now dependent on this back-end sales of your product or service in order to continue your operation. And so this is the problem with capitalism, okay, is that when sales inevitably are in trouble in cyclical and your corporation is unable to sell enough of the product or service that you provide, then the first things that you do naturally is you need to cut your expenses because no corporation is any business to lose money, right? But their purpose of the corporation is really only one thing: is to make a profit. The thing that you're doing, the product or the service actually providing, is secondary. Yes, obviously that's is the path towards your profitability, towards your money, the really good primary purpose involved, of course, his profit period. You're not producing these products or offering these services just that your own good nature. We're doing it for the profit. That's the equation, okay?
So when inevitably the sales slow down, that means that you have to cut your expenses. Now, for most corporations, their biggest expense typically is labor. Now I'm sure many of you saw on the news recently this weekend that GM is firing the plants, and they're doing this obviously because those particular units are not as profitable, even not thought about all or not as profitable as say different parts of their business, maybe okay. So so they fire these people. Right now, here's the problem: those people are now not going to have an income, which is necessary in order for them to continue to live. They're not gonna have an income which is necessary for them to be able to pay for being a lousy to pay for food, clothing, and utilities, entertainment. So basically, they can't believe you live in this word in this equation of capitalism. I mean, I see money coming in because you're constantly having to use the money towards access to these goods and services that are produced globally. So you always need more money, okay? So this is where the equation of capitalism fails, and this is why we have recessions and depressions because obviously when production slows down and number of jobs are caught, that means the number of the amount of money available for a consumers to be able to spend it back into the corporation so they may continue their operations is also going down. So it's a it's a kind of a slippery slope of sorts. So as more and more corporations begin to cut more more jobs, that mean there's less and less employment, less and less money in the system in order to be able to continue this equation to the point where eventually you get to a place where you're not producing enough products or services to satisfy all of them of your population or the desires of the population as as is the case. And so and that's completely unnecessary. So in this equation, I reckon as we have human labor, we have land resources, equipment, machines, production capacity, all of these things already exist. The transportation system, infrastructure, even television exists. Nothing changed. The only thing that changed was the fact that the equation of capitalism is broken. It's it is essentially it wasn't intentionally designed this way to be a funnel of money by the few people own the operation to be able to profit and capture that profit. Not that money in this equation of course has been talked about in the last podcast his property is power. It okay, so it is um the thing in English these people are able to perpetuate inequality. And this is mrs. V version of capitalism. So it's not a a bug or a something that we can be fixed through the government system. You can make more laws and rules to make corporations and economics of corporations and labor laws more beneficial to the workers. And of course that is has been historically and in fight between labor and the corporate taxes in other words he owned everything and this is been our path and we think we essentially did not pay attention to the equation so much as the details with him he faced it for example that what is the minimum wage? How much does labor get paid on the our? Should we work? What are the conditions in which we work? And these kinds of things. So well they were attempting to do is you know is rammed this equation down society's throat to make it work, but the thing is it's broken. And we've known this by the way for even before the Great Depression. They knew it wasn't like it was something they didn't know. It's just that the people who are in power, the people who owned everything and he hog all money and you have privilege and power, they're recognizing of course they would never be able to recognize that the equation is wrong. How could it be wrong? They're doing just fine. And and they're told this story that anyone can be which if the YouTube can be like lemon and joined their ranks. And while they may be true that doesn't mean that the equation isn't the problem. It doesn't mean that that something is fundamentally wrong with this equation we're in majority of us can't continue to have access to the you know production of the world which is global which is made by our labor ok so now as a human as a person in this equation that why is it broken for you because you're dependent upon this income from this corporation so you essentially have to sell yourself to these capitalists and and so this is presented to us as if it was free though you're free to choose who you're going to sell your labor to but that's really not true because see if you don't say your labor then that means you basically don't have life so you're essentially forced to yeah you get a choice of they've owner and a boss but you're not free you're not you don't own your own body you don't own your own labor you're not able to contribute to your community to your society to yourself to your family in the ways in which you may determine the best for you okay so you can only earn money in the game in this equation of capitalism if somebody who has money already is willing to give it to you for whatever a service or labor that you might offer them so this is the problem is is that it is if you're a dependence job as these GM employees are then you when you lose your job now what are you gonna do how are you going to find a within your community a small community minimalist that was already set up to specialize in producing these vehicles and now a sudden that is no longer an option and available to you and nor is it to your neighbors and thousands of other people in your community do you think it's very easy for these individuals to just create new job opportunities it's not it's not it doesn't work like that certainly not for thousands of people within a small community those people are now trapped in this cycle wherein they're not going to have enough money to be able to pay for the to be able to live there let be able to afford their utilities their water energy TV internet cellphone etc they won't be able to afford transportation either public or their own vehicles and the associate loans they may have the taxis through the whole thing expenses. So now the the newest and latest solution to this equation of capitalism which is universal basic income is designed to solve the problem of people not having money in order to live. And it does that very simply by distributing an equal sum of money to every person, either presumably it should be global first otherwise assigning a person, but even so let's say it's nationally. Okay, if every single person was getting this universal basic income, then presumably this equation of capitalism, we can continue this game potentially without the catastrophic recessions and certainly presumably without the catastrophic depressions that are cyclical in inevitably and uncontrollable really due to many factors, and the most pressing one urgent one that is facing our society is of course the ecological collapse caused by climate change and the economic disruption that they are predicting that it has already cost and it will continue to boss okay.
So however, even without ecological collapse, that doesn't necessarily mean that even with a UBI there wouldn't necessarily be recessions and or depressions because the thing that UBI doesn't do, at least not by itself, is if we're playing this game of capitalism, which is the same equation that I just mentioned, UBI doesn't change the equation at all. All it does is solve the particular question or problem of capitalism of people, individuals not having enough money to be able to continue playing this game, okay? It's like it's like than $200 when you pass go in a game of Monopoly, otherwise you won't be able to continue playing, okay? So the the people now when it's this UBI is sold to as a solution right to this problem, but it doesn't actually change the equation. And this is what I wanted to talk about, okay? So the equation is still you as an individual, yes, you're going to be getting this universal basic income, a certain amount of money that presumably should be obviously based on the definition. They should be enough to be able to pay for your basic needs. And I would say basic needs being essentially housing, utilities, and food and clothing, and that's quite a lot of money, you know. They're mentioning numbers, throwing out numbers, a thousand dollars refers in different for adult a month, and that may be satisfactory and consult and meet the definition of and basic, but as you know, this thing we called money and currency it doesn't exist in a vacuum. There's a certain amount of it in the world that we've introduced, okay, that we've created, and the distribution of such is unequal as never before seen in recent history, at least in the United States. They're saying it's worse than it was is irrelevant as if it's if that's true or not, do have any problem can because capitalist in the equation of capitalism is it is the quality it perpetuates and flows the profits of course to the people who own all the excess because of these private. So we already know that that's not really surprising, ok? So but this is my critique of universities.
Became the reason why these corporations are going to do what they're going to going to be the same, nothing changes. There we're going to continue doing number one seeking to maximize their profit, number two, whatever the product or service may be as a secondary, so that doesn't change the name nature of the game doesn't change the equation. Now the way in which to make a profit in this world through various types of services is often exploit the candidate is often you know negative consequences to the both environment on the people we don't need to get into those. You guys already know this. These arguments are not new. These insights these are important. The problems of Temple ISM are are our decades old and more more people are now what type is an action causes somehow it doesn't you can't address those problems because there's no snow profit in addressing these solutions. [Music] These solutions, okay, so the equation is the problem being dependent having to access this thing that doesn't really exist okay so what if we flipped the place on his hand instead like what we're doing the comic fine as we're saying look no okay the person who owns all of the land all of the property all of the resources is no okay they are titled to your local city all of the by nobody okay but they are temporarily controlled we stopped used by the individuals who are currently using them so there is an existing factory in common climate it would be titled to the local city the people who are working there would be a working there on their own volition of their own choosing okay they would be working as cooperative members with equal voice using direct democracy but in the workplace and the purpose of that organization in common rather than maximizing profit the purpose for the first time ever as it should be will be to produce the product that you're producing in the best most efficient environmentally friendly economical renewable reusable available all of the good characteristics of the thing that you're producing and those are the metrics in which you are going to now compete your co-operative along with the other dozens or hundreds or thousands whatever there may be in the world similar to your operation are equally going to be striving to produce the best under those conditions and now the group that does at the end of the year individuals like myself other community members the global community etc and through our choice of which products and services to consume will determine which enterprise which group of individuals did the best and now those people will instead of it like we have today a profit system like from sales these individuals will earn bonus money directly it's created directly into their account they earned it they produce the best stuff and they win they get a little bit extra money now here's the twist that we make income implanted on this equation as well the workers they when you volunteer to work somewhere you decide where you want to work with whom how how often in what conditions and even for what pay now there will be a met we're imagining there will be a the thing called the reward menu which is essentially a scale of an approximation of what different jobs pay globally so that as an individual you know from what you might want you might be able to burn doing what okay so you would agree to work at this factory or the school or the police station or wherever you happen to work service industry okay you would agree to work there your salary would be no upfront but rather than your salary coming out of somebody else's pile of money somebody else's pocket life of the corporation or the government or two taxes it would come directly into your account because you as we would say as a society you've earned it and so we recognize that you earn this money by merely agreeing to do something that is a readable and desirable by the global community we put it on the reward menu he individuals like yourself created these jobs they agreed to work them they just do them and they earn the money directly into their account now it is theirs you're not dependent and waiting up on the boss and so in this and in this equation now the factory or the corporation identify the way in which you work in which of producing this product or service will be able to continue indefinitely as long we're willing to work there and people who are interested in what they're producing that factory can continue to operate without fail without having to worry about any kind of sales or money on the back end right there's nothing to sell as a matter of fact these enterprises and these corporations are not allowed to sell anything okay because they don't own anything personally okay they're in charge of things okay individuals humans we collectively would be caretakers of these resources of this land of his buildings of these equipment like cars and trucks and machines okay now collectively we owned them okay so the corporation once they produce let's say they produce an iPad now you and I with the money that we earned directly okay we can even issue this new currency within common planet as a universal basic income so we could say that every single person on this planet is now going to get a certain amount of courtesy in common planet we say it's 300 the numbers are relevant folks the numbers that we proposed are rudimentary Calculations that I did based on the existing math mostly of the U.S. pricing system and the I guess the value of all the total proper in the world but it's irrelevant the numbers can be changed by us and to make sure that whatever amount we do issue as a universal basic income is as a matter of fact basic and enough to be able to sustain an individual with being able to have access to food clothing and some other basic services.
Okay remember now when it's come and plan it because we've now we've now titled all of the existent company of the world to your local community includes housing that means that housing is actually free you don't have to pay right you don't do patients not to pay taxes not to pay a mortgage or not to pay right now that it exists it's yours not family money before but if you want to do anything if you want to spend in on your house it would be in you buying physical stuff house or fridge new lumber new roofing stone windows whatever it is those things are real those things will require you to use your money that you earn directly yourself on these items okay so the whole purpose of the universal basic income in common planning is for you to have access to be a global production of the world and to be able to use that to express your desires in the marketplace and so now this global production that we're imagining happening within our equation of the incoming planet is different than capitalism see capitalism has constraints and enforced limitations and in make it creates scarce and false scarcity of many items especially items that are you honestly they cost the same to produce and use pretty much the same amount of materials but because in the marketplace you've got poor people and you've got rich people they are just price to them and so they they produce different quantities of such items based on are the ability of the consumers to be able to consume but not necessarily it's completely decoupled from what people actually would really choose if they had a choice but we don't our choices are limited by this limitation and scarcity of this resource called one okay so you have ubi you have direct access opportunity to go in your commune work where you want contribute how do you like and you get the earn money directly into your account BAM no one will be able to control you to coerce you but to compel you to be things that you did on other because he will necessity in order to go out and seek this thing called money in to continue to work we have to recognize now that we have apologized me Bishop one side inside donc - it's nice out here we have no wonderful [Music] okay I'm inside okay so back to where we were so you have this income you have this universal basic income you have your income from your job you have an opportunity for you to make bonus money at the end based on the new metrics rather than the metrics of the existing metrics which are sales you know how much can we sell the new metrics are know how how good of a product and/or service can you produce a completely different equation there the outcome of such by the way of this new paradigm would lead to earlier production of better resources and better equipment and and naturally it would eliminate reduce the external ecological costs damage that we're doing to our environment and so will you finally be able to incentivize those changes in the industries and transportation towards those metrics as well which the current equation cannot do okay so so let's continue now that's an individual within this new paradigm by the way if anyone is here okay if you are listening out there and you want to join in this conversation shortly there is an option for you to go on your mobile phone and you can join the broadcast so let me know if that is something that you guys wanted to do okay all right so now the incoming planet you have your ubi you have your income from your job now remember now the access to all of the existing resources out there so if you're a biologist and you wanted to do some experimentation get together with a bunch of other bio just you go online in application and you see that there in your local community or any other community you may want you see that there is an available office space land and equipment whatever you can request use and access to so you can get any free lease that's presumably you would go on the application select the office that you want select it for at least for free of course one year or whatever you may want with your group you register name say mr. day you can doesn't have to change that drastically not yet and then you go and do what you want to do you would then in in this new equation okay so you wouldn't have to use your own personal money okay so you're not paying for access to the office space okay it's free you don't need to get money from capitalists venture capitalists or banks in order to begin your enterprise you do need money right because you gir need lab equipment if you're gonna be opening up a biological lab with other people so you can put go on there you can put jobs on there say hey I need these people with these requirements this is what it pays you know this is what I allowed to say offer based on reward money or whatever who's out there who's interested in doing this kind of work and you get to you know because you're the caretaker you know you can still have the organization structured how you like okay so you set it up you want to make a hierarchical go ahead I don't really care the whole point of common planet is not to dictate terms on how everything should be done but rather leave it up to individuals and their and their friends and the community and the or regional area in the global community to determine what people are able to produce and do and so you have that freedom an opportunity which is unparalleled because today in the equation of capitalism right if you want to do the same thing well the equation is completely different and it's really going to be difficult because you have to sell them on the fact that whatever it is that you're trying to do is going to produce results so you have to sell them on either a your expertise and your brilliance or knowledge and or if you have a potential actual valuable sellable product invention of sorts and so there the whole purpose of cap is members to make money so in order to get the money from the venture capitalists or the other capitalist certain angels or the banks there has to be a path to profitability okay that's the whole point up there that's why they say this but in this case you don't care about the profitability you're not trying to develop a drug or some other discovery through a biology that uh that is going to make money because you're not looking to sell anything okay you are just endeavoring on this because you yourself are interested in you know it are interested in biology you're interested in these things and you feel like you may be able to make a contribution maybe maybe not it's irrelevant so then you open up this organization now because you do need to buy equipment okay your your option would be okay so because you created this a corporation income a planet what you're gonna do is gonna create what we're calling a credit account now what that is is similar to we're gonna make this into a fun game similar to you getting a ubi with your own currency which we are calling reward currency which is your personal money to be able to use to be able to buy things and access that and and enter the market for access to limited activities okay and or resources so that's the purpose of the reward money it's your money to use on things just for you okay yeah I guess any gifts too but we'll talk about that later okay so you get this money okay now with the credit is different the credit we're gonna also issue to each person has a universal basic income so every month you're gonna get this money called credit in your credit account okay everyone's gonna get a lump sum to start with and we're proposing approximately 1,000 credit per person times your age updates 50 so you know myself I would get about 45,000 of credit up front and then every month with the numbers on the credit is something I do need to do more research on but let's say it's 100 credit per month so every month I'm gonna get 100 credit in my credit account okay likewise my community I live in Portland okay is going to get also in their credit account now this is awesome my city of Portland is gonna get their own money okay called credit every month times the number of citizens so in this case let's say there's a million people in Portland there's not but let's say there is what metro area there is more than that so let's say 1 million people Portland times you know say 50 credit or hundred credit doesn't matter under credit that would be hundred million credit every month so now the city has to give this money to all of the various organizations and enterprises which we call groups and common planets so anyone who has a group any group ok can now solicit the city the governance are structured you can set up the governance structure however you wish within your city different cities will do it differently we will learn from each other but and then we can model and adapt and change and adopt best practices best uses etc now that money that the city has in their credit account has to be given to the local region only it's for them to use locally your personal credit account which is yours you can give to anybody actually you can give to any group either locally ok you can create your own group and use your credit obviously you would be transferring it to your group or you could give your credit to any group anywhere on the planet okay that way we can create things and and build things that are important that the globe needs that the world needs that will also benefit your local community but not necessarily individually directly so for example let's say you wanted to build you wanted to help fund a massive solar project somewhere in the desert, it would make sense. Right? Why would we do it here in Portland when we have a lot of rainy, cloudy days? It's absolute that's that happen so but this way individuals would be able to then use their credit money to fund things that they would like to fund anywhere in the world.
Now, organizations that suck, okay? People that make products that are not upgradable, not using the most sustainable materials, not producing things that are repairable, economically friendly, etc, etc. Okay, so those companies, you can imagine over time more and more people will stop giving them credit and funny, and likewise their own community.
Now, for the first time, Ember has a means of being able to cut out the crap that is happening in their communities because they do legally. They're doing it now because the rules are set up so that anyone can do things in pursuit of profit. And so where that happens, if it happens in your city, it's you can't control that. But now we can't plan it. You will be able to if you don't like a particular thing that's happening in your community, don't fund it. Simple, okay? If some particular group is is doing something and polluting, don't fund them. Simple. This is one quick way of ending those. Not only that, but you can imagine those individuals now they may not want to work there anyway because the enter price is not popular. It's not getting enough credit perhaps, and their friends are not really happy with them because they are doing something that is not actually good for the community, right? And so you're gonna do in that and now because you have a choice because you're not forced to work to live like you are under the equation of capitalism, you can't make that. You can't make that argument anymore. You know, in capitalism, it's easy to say well look, you know, if I didn't you know do this you know accounting manipulation, then somebody else would have. Well, if I didn't come in here and as a CFO and cut these ten thousand people, well then you know in profit myself and my all my executives and our shareholders almost somebody else will do it. And that's all true, all of it that's true. And so this is the the morality that you know money today because the transferrable we talked about earlier because it's a moral, it can be used for good or bad, doesn't really matter, okay, but it kind of plan it, okay, when you use your credit just like when you use your reward money, okay, it doesn't go to the person who produced the product and/or service. So what do I mean? Okay, this lap this iPad that people made now when people are making this iPad, they're already making money directly. Recall you are now allowed a common planet to earn money directly when you agree to do labor that is on the reward menu, okay? And that means that anybody can create jobs as long as we've agreed that certain labor, certain place, certain education, we're all education, certain play, almost all labor is worthy of earning money directly without permission, okay, without coercion or control by somebody else, but it's under your discretion, under your choice, okay. So when you creating this money and you go to buy this iPad, the iPad, let's say it cost three hundred reward, okay? When you buy the iPad for three hundred reward, the money now because the people who were producing the iPad already got money to put you know via labor, okay, they're not selling it any longer. They're more or less producing it, and then the algorithm of our desires and needs determines the distribution, okay? So then you go and purchase it. Obviously, there's going to be some kind of a pricing mechanism for things that are still limited. If we can produce iPads in sufficient quantities to meet the needs or excuse me the demand, then obviously those iPads will have a price of zero. They will be 100 accident one percent free because if the iPads can be produced in an economical you know efficient manner in sufficient quantities to meet demand, then that item will be free in common planet. No need to have the currency be used as a pricing mechanism in that instance. But let's say that for the sake of argument, which is probably also fact, it may not be the case that we can produce enough iPads to meet initial demand because the truth is demand for such an item you know probably you know it it's gonna be huge if all we're doing is just trying to meet our desires and everyone's gonna want anyway, okay, so the the currency when you bought the iPad, let's say there is a market, though there is a limited number of iPads this year that we can produce and the demand is two times bigger, far outstrips the supply. So in this case, we are going to use the currency that we distributed via ubi that you were able to earn went directly through your labor. It could as you at your choosing and or at the back end of your operation or service as a bonus for doing for being among the best, okay, so you those are the three ways you get the money and of course everyone starts with a lump sum as well. I don't know if I mentioned that, but we're proposing that every individual will start with three thousand times their age up to age 50. That will be your starting balance plus convert the existing assets that you may have, okay, etc, any other commodities the have value, land resources that are now get transferred over to the Commons. We're like likewise the transferred into your reward. Now, so when you buy it when let's say the iPad in the market, the pricing mechanism is determined to be less a 300 reward. So now you're going to spend 300 ward, okay, on this iPad. That's how much in the costume. Now, the money doesn't go to the two let's say it's Apple who's producing the iPad. That doesn't matter who the name of the group is really right because what is Apple? Apple is a conglomerate of of hundreds of different groups really is what it is anyhow. So now the money gets deleted from your account. The iPad is listed on your application as one of your pieces of property. It still has value. You own it. You bought it. It's yours, okay? You paid 300 reward for it. Now it's the last resell value. So if you wanted to UM sell it to somebody else, you could if there's a market for that, and there probably will be just like there is today. So it'll have some resale value, but nevertheless, the 300 dollars that you initially earned as UVI and for your labor directly now gets deleted from your account. But it does not go to the producer. It doesn't go to Apple or that group that produced it. The iPad they don't need your money anymore, okay? They're making money directly just by simply producing it. The equation is completely different, okay? It's impossible to have the lack of production that the equation of capitalism has today as long as people are willing and able to produce, then we can meet demand very simple, okay? Now, so you get 300 deducted from your account. The money now disappears. Look at that. It was introduced into the world right its currency and also it just disappears. So now what we've done is we've created a currency that is not perpetually inflated. What do I mean by that? If we are not perpetually increasing the money supply, the amount of currency in the world at some point will stabilize once everybody has their initial starting balance, once everybody gets ubi every month, then you're gonna begin to consume with money every or every day you're gonna be buying food. That's a consumable item. If the money that you use to buy the food doesn't go to the person who produced it or doesn't go to the shipper, doesn't go to the wholesaler, doesn't go to the sales person, doesn't go to the middleman, doesn't go to the advertiser, it doesn't go to the public relations agency, doesn't go to the government, none of that, the money doesn't flow. It just disappears. Delete it, okay? You used it to express your desires of interest, competing interests, desires within the market of limited things, some food items, many food items in your local community over time through common planning will become more and more plentiful and those that means that those will be free, okay? But the ones that are not you're going to use this currency to compete and now your currency is being created and currency is being deleted from circulation. We got a balance stable pool of this currency. The neat thing about this particular equation is is that we because we have removed this feature of money as being transferable, it's like the only way I can get money in the world today is if I get it from somebody else. If somebody else gives it I have to take it from somebody else's pile, it's the only way I can get it is from somebody else's pile. Doesn't matter which whose pile, doesn't matter if it's a corporation in a private individual, a government, it doesn't matter, right? It could be this is why black markets by the way exist. This is why we have the drug illegal drug trade. That's why we have the sex trade any Trade, child trafficking, trade, you name it, anything that's our—the—my—my biggest pet peeve—the slaughter of animals, game animals, you know, endangered animals, even for money, all because it's transferable. Now, you can imagine a common planet. Okay. Now, here's some schmuck in the middle of, you know, Africa who now, because in the equation of capitalism that means you need money, the only way to get monies from other people, and so somebody's agreed, willing to go and kill an animal, and Europe agreed to be their guide, and so for this, they're going to give you money for this service, they're gonna give you their money, and so now did you really want to be their guide so you can help them kill this animal? No, of course not. We think comment plan that you see first of all if you did do that, let's say you volunteer, you raised her hand, okay, hey, here's a, I'ma create a job, I'm gonna I want to be a, you know, a guide towards killing animals, okay, well guess what, it's easy for the community, your local community, the regional community, or the global community to make limitations and to not allow certain activities, one of which would be obviously the killing and/or hunting and tracking of endangered or protected species. We should obviously have the opportunity, ability, just like we would be having the opportunity and ability to control global consumption of, say, limited resources like, say, oil, steel, you know, whatever, maybe copper, I don't know the specific quantities of each one of those things, it's irrelevant, okay, but there will be quotas on some of these items because let's be honest, well, you can't just consume resources of the planet willy-nilly without any regard to we you know, renewability or or a future access to the said, you know, commodity of materials, so a resource, so obviously those would be limited, so I'm saying is that this individual's job but would not earned him money, and even if an individual attempted to claim said money for being a guide to some safaris or whatever for hunting, if it turns out later that they were in fact helping hunters who were, you know, presumably, obviously spending their money towards this limited activity, if it was limited because then they would they would they would have spent their money towards that in Denver, but they would create a record, right? The person who worked at this thing who did this thing, we can as a society say, hey, wait a minute now the thing that you claim that's beneficial to yourself and to society is actually not beneficial to society because we've already put a restriction on how many of those animals we can kill, and so that's not allowed. What see those restrictions already exist today, we already have laws on the books of people of animals that you're not allowed to go and kill, right? We have endangered species protections. We have limitations on which animals can be hunted in which camp and the rules regarding the transporter and such and there are penalties and fines and police and we have to waste human labor in time, you know, hiring people to to, you know, to track down these people and, but you know, it's all stupid so for not because at the end of the day, the people who are in charge of policing said illegal activity because the money is transferable from one to another, you're not gonna get rid of it, you're all you're doing is you're allowing these transfers to happen without an outside of the of the guise of recorded records, right? So there's no record of this person said giving you a thousand dollars in your pocket to bribe you so that you don't arrest them because this is illegal activity so this is built into the system, it's possible only because that currency is transferable, it's amoral, it can be used and given to whomever you want for whatever purposes you want, it's built in to the equation of capitalism, it's literally part of the game, corruption, okay, black markets, okay, gangs, all of these things, matheus, all of that is nothing more than a extension of private for-profit capitalism, simple, okay, all of that can be eliminated with incoming planet because that person just won't be allowed to earn money for do activity because we've determined that activity is and not worthy of earning anything that's valuable, okay, so that's that's one way of doing it.
The credit, by the way, is designed to be something that replaces the need for the functions of two things really, okay. So in the—this equation of capitalism, right, remember that we need in the—creative capital—in order to begin operations of anything, you need money, okay, first and foremost the money is because it's a transportable because it's considered property is, you can use it to then get property, land, buildings, resources, equipment, okay, so this money in capitalism comes from the capitalists, comes like I said earlier in the banks, is dead, okay, and this is where money creation is is created within the game of capitalism via debt, so banks are actually producing, introducing more money into circulation than they actually have in their vaults, okay, this is called fractional reserve banking so by the US law and international law in most countries, these banks, private banks, are allowed to loan out and create up to ten times more money than they have in deposits okay in their vaults or what have you, okay, so this is how money is created today, this is our money is introduced into the money supply is through this mechanism is through the through the debt as banks so but this that invention by the way allowed for an explosion of wealth creation that the world has never seen before because prior to that, prior to the, you know, imagine if the only amount of money that you're able to invest, you know, in order to start something is only the money that already exists, much it's not enough, that means that you're gonna have a limited of thing a limited number of things in which you can begin to produce investing and so this is why wealth creation through fractional reserve banking has exploded now the credit system that we're proposing will do exactly the same thing right okay so instead of banks issuing and creating more money for the purposes of producing more money with money interest right investment and taking down the risks it would be credit so this money will be introduced directly by us, you know, it by you and so we've pre-populated people's accounts we created extra currency to be used to be invested in the world on things that you personally want and that your community personally was completely different equation see today while the banks were able to create massive amounts of wealth in the world right they did so only when it was safe okay they're not going to give money to an enterprise like that group of individuals I mentioned earlier who's trying to form that by Lodge biology lab they're not going to give Mike to those guys okay they're not going to just say hey yeah we are allowed to loan out you know ten times more we'll give you guys a million dollars, you guys can sure but they're not gonna do that because there's no guarantee that that group of individuals is going to be able to produce a viable sellable product at the end of the day so banks are not in the business of investing in things that are risky there they would they give money to who they give money to safe bets they give money to things like things that often are actually collateralized so that they're actually not even getting money in creating wealth so much as outright buying the products themselves for example when you get a car loan they own your car okay they're giving you the money they don't when you get a mortgage they own your house, can you don't on your house the money that they didn't get you they created this money ironically so they could buy the house you now have to go on labor and pay them back interest plus the balance of the money back so that they can pretend like you know that they can have a clean set of books keep the interest as profit voila now they made money okay but they're not in the business investing in things that might be good for your community or good for the people hell no the only interested in making money and that means have to be safe they'll give it to they'll give it to people with you know with assets that they can secure it with they'll give it to corporations that are large and that have again assess if it thinks it's secure it to bonds equipment or buildings etc they will give it to governments oh god they'd love to give the government's because governments you know basically they they don't go bust rarely does a city or a state or country default on their debts oh man banks are designed to give those guys as much money as they want okay so now but the credit system is completely different the credit system is wealth creation an investment in things that you want and that your community may want that are more necessary and desirable look have no intention of making a profit right nobody cares if if they're trying to make a profit what they care about is investing in the thing that they want personally or the thing that they want for the community or for the or for their for the world so it's a completely different equations now the bonus by the way on the backend what we've created as a bonus is essentially a replacement of the existing profit mechanism so if you were in a group of individuals in Europe laboring and you produce a new discovery by a biological discovery du/dr okay and all of a sudden it's very popular. It's very useful. You've helped alleviate some pain or some other ailment or or maybe cure for something. And so because you guys were able to invent that and produce it, unlike in today's system of capitalism which it says oh look hey you guys produced it, you guys get the control and on that thing and you get to distribute and sell that thing for as much money as possible.
But in income planet know that it would be produced to whatever quantity can be produced and it would be distributed for essentially for free because if it most likely most drugs can be produced in sufficient quantities to meet the name I'm pretty sure that's the case most these things are chemical okay they're producing the lab why can't we just add more and reduce more pills of course you can you can increase the batch from 1 million to 10 million 209 as necessary and it doesn't cost you anything really you know a couple extra run times on the machines and and there you go it's very it's very efficient not costly but because we have capitalization of capitals requires profit in the back end and because it's a risky venture for these drug companies they often will have these arcane rules that they create in the back end called profit excuse me called the patents and copyrights in you know and other schemes of being able to profit on the labor in which somebody endeavored for all those years and so then clearly it's a broken equation this would obviously be better those individuals now because he created the drug that was important valuable society as a society as a community they would end up getting reward there's your profit there's your back end of you getting a reward for all the work that you did and now this is good more whereas today you know we're incentivized in these drug companies to produce things and to lie to us on in perpetuity because they're they're not really trying to you know solve problems so much as mollified I mean just to keep us alive to remember to make as much money as possible the whole thing is obviously sick and broken and everyone knows that when it comes to to medicine and drugs that they should never can finance rise that's nonsense I mean only America would do such a thing really honestly I know that the rest of the country is on board with this flawed equation of capitalism - but seriously it's it's it's killing people you know they're withholding drugs and increasing costs of unnecessary stuff when it actually costs to produce this stuff you know but only because they have to satisfy this need for a profit on the back end because they have to justify so called said investment on the front end to be able to extract as much wealth and profit on the back end it's broken it's bad okay so you've got we've replaced the need for profit right the thing that you're going to be producing is gonna be because it's good because it's necessary because the desirable because people are willing to to you know fund you and you don't have to sell it and the wonderful thing about this is that when you do create something wonderful when you do build interesting contraptions or designs or little things that you helped to improve you get back-end bonuses for these kinds of things so we can still incentivize good stuff in the world by using the box now the labor for me you know having an opportunity opening up opportunities for anyone to be an entrepreneur sorts to be a creator to be an inventor to be a producer to be a tinkerer to do what we're here on earth to do which is to learn and to tinker this is an open opportunity for all people on earth you don't have to go and beg money to start to some venture capitalist or bank nope all you got to do is find available resources get enough people on board with you who are also down for what you want to do and that's it BAM opportunity available for anybody anywhere on the planet okay now let's say your city doesn't have enough factories or enough you know cars or enough whatever it is that they're lacking they will be able to use and allocate their allotment of this credit money to to be able to purchase whatever resources and build whatever buildings and buy the materials for whatever buildings or equipment that they wanted but they might that they need at this moment and so it's within complete complete control and the beautiful thing about that is it has completely eliminating eliminated the need for taxes okay your city doesn't need to take your money anymore okay you go out there they're gonna you're gonna earn you bi automatics your money free boom boom you're gonna go out there and you're gonna do things and you can earn money by doing things by playing by going to school by working all these things will earn you money and reward and your city will never need your money okay they'll never have to tax you say oMG you know you earn too much this year we're gonna take 20% and 30% and people are different groups of people are arguing and voting for other people to argue and vote and so that they can get more money than them and then the whole thing is sick our entire political system is all about money it's all about who owns property who's who's taken from whose pile and what not it's and you know it okay so that is gonna end no more taxes no one needs to take your money you don't need to give your money to anybody you're gonna get this credit this free tax measure to give to whomever you want whatever group you want to fund anywhere in the world that's the different equation that real proposing at Kemah planet and if you begin to understand that fundamentally speaking it's not for eat for a lack of money within an ecosystem that is the problem okay it is the actual equation itself the whole entire equation of private ownership for the purpose of profit seeking only the in a nutshell that right there is the biggest lie and has led to the most destruction psychologically and socially of any idea in this trivial and only humans by the way are capable of this because only humans are capable of believing something that doesn't actually exist now the story's incredible of muddies is actually rather really incredible in in that it's not the beautiful thing is that beautiful terrible is that it actually was physical it money wasn't just a story it wasn't just something that we believed obviously we believe in enough in a thing come on any coin or any piece of paper or anything that we made physical to it a human construct called value in an approximation of what that represents in terms of mathematical speaking so yeah we did that okay and yeah it was physical for all of these years but now we have digital technology that we can use to to make money once again just a unit of exchange and not a physical piece of property that can be used as a store value as if it were a commodity as if we were physical that can be used to that's the problem anyway with that I'm gonna go off now I will post this on youtube and in the background I I'm gonna attempt to create a couple of outlines and flowcharts and whatnot and see if I can post them but I'll probably just post this video first since it's fine anyway that's pretty much what I wanted to talk about and if there's anybody online if anybody wants to join you chat we could but I don't see many right now okay I will go and hopefully you guys enjoyed that but so this is essentially an equation with an equation right we have the equation of humanity remembered property has governance equals society which for me means the the outcome of all of our collective and individual and collective behaviors that's Society right so the property equation therein is the key for me as far as I'm concerned the governance is really straightforward easy just direct democracy let those guys figure out that the nuances and the details and in which ways that would work from the local to you know where you live to where you learn to where you play and work etc and and gold etc that section is easy and then the property part of it the equation of capitalism which is in that property part is fundamentally the problem everyone knows this but the problem further is that most people don't see the equation of capital capitalism excuse me as the problem but rather they think it that that's the stream in nature this is the way things have always been this is the way it's going to be forever and all we can do is as citizens attempt to you know improve and mollifying and change a couple tinker here and there with the equation with the numbers and who pays taxes and you know how much money's paid over here and who gets to create money and and all this other nonsense it's it's it's sick you may not be aware of this right now but the world right now is is in the midst of and has been in the midst of the biggest war in the history of the world and you don't even see it and it's not on the news okay what is it it's called economic reform we are undergoing the world America is at war with pretty much a majority the countries in the world right now not physically we're not literally killing people but when you recognize that this equation of capitalism means that you that because people are dependent on this thing called money in order to have access to the - which is essentially life access to food shelter out water okay it all takes money this is what we how we designed it we're at war with countries all over the world Venezuela Argentina Greece Italy Spain Germany Japan you name it we're at war with them economically you you know you may not think we are but we are and in the scheme of grand scheme of things I don't know what to make it Trump because you know a lot of people equate the stock market with wealth but the stock market is essentially is a big pile of money a bets on bets on bets I mean the pools of money that these fools have have combined to make these bets on what the fundamental value of ultimately property is going to be is is is just a game it's just a false game of value so when a person like Trump you know does what he does you may think that he actually wants the stock market to go up he doesn't really care the only reason why he wants the stock market to go up for now at least is because he knows that fundamentally economically speaking in America at least his chance of being re-elected and or maybe go to jail is hinges upon this economic success obviously because if our economy is doing fine then we have less of a reason to complain about right if our bellies are full and we have jobs and we got food and I have a house and I've got all of these other toys and fun stuff well then I'm okay and you know he's not doing a bad job but as soon as that hits the fan and there's a recession or a depression then obviously the guy in charge at the top is going to get blame but the reality is as a as a fundamental of thing of wealth creation and wealth in general Trump doesn't care if if the market goes down because the real measure of value is in the fundamental assets the property stock and this is the game that Trump was playing he says you know he owns things okay Trump doesn't gamble and and make money with money for say he makes money to welcome appreciation to provinces okay okay well then well that I'll go and good luck and I will you know next time we should probably do this more advance notice we can have a couple more Watchers than you one of my cousin's we haven't seen a lot of time have Laura all right

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