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Web3 Community Launch Template
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Managing The Community

To begin, keep in mind that moderating a group on Discord, Facebook, Telegram, or Slack is a unique experience. So, at the very least, it should be appropriate to focus on one or two channels (we recommend Discord and Telegram) before expanding your community to other platforms.
This is also necessary in order to properly greet visitors. Make sure everyone is introduced with a few words of welcome. Everyone feels at ease with this attitude.
You want to keep the house in order as a good moderator. You must be patient and understanding. Avoiding judgment while consistently providing feedback to users, encouraging positive interactions, and removing any inappropriate comments will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to express themselves.


Once you have a web3 community, make sure the rules are clear while maintaining a positive and light atmosphere. Moderation is necessary to ensure that debates flow as smoothly as possible while remaining relevant. It also ensures that all members feel comfortable participating on an equal footing.

Web3 community policy

A good way to do so is to draft a web3 community policy that includes the following provisions:
Make it clear who you are and why you are promoting the community.
Focus themes that people can explore to avoid distortions. In general, a web3 community will discuss topics such as blockchain, DeFi, gaming, rewards, cryptocurrency, tokens, and so on.
Create policies that prohibit discrimination, investigate culture and social norms, and promote diversity in expression.
Clarify that moderators do not favor one group or an individual over another.
Set language policies to help you avoid a house fire.
Indicate whether or not some posts that violate community guidelines will be deleted.
If someone violates the community rules, make it clear what kind of sanctions will be imposed and how many violations are permitted before suspending or banning someone.
Here’s an example of .

Primary concerns to be aware of
Strong language
Unrelated topics
Foreign languages
Demand for updates
Personal disrespect
Information leaks

Bring your team
Make sure that as many of your team members as possible embrace your web3 community and join it (& enjoy it!). It is also important to bring your team to the debate in order to facilitate, mediate, and keep the community focused.
After all, you won't be able to keep up with the debate all the time, and having the team help as moderators may make it easier to distinguish between trolls, haters, spam, and people who don't know how to express themselves properly.
Begin and respond to conversations
Another reason to have more than one moderator is that your team may initiate new discussions. The most important thing you can do to help your community come to life is to ask good questions that make people think and engage in debate. Keep an eye out for what people are asking. It is critical to respond to and comment on genuine topics, even if they appear to be a little silly.
Communities normally have a necessity for reassurance, and that’s totally expected. Members often want to have status updates, and learn more about the team and the work in progress. Reassuring them often of what’s happening is important to keep a healthy community and clear rumors.
Mod Admission
Community managers are usually long-term supporters, available during significant time periods, who have particular skills or insights, either about the project itself, or social tools, in general.
Also, a great moderator is a light tempered one, used to type and react quickly, fluent in day-to-day English and with improved soft skills and a sense of accountability
You should identify these members because as the community grows, you may require more moderators to assist you. Active members who respond to conversations proactively and have a habit of helping other members are the best candidates for a new moderator role.
This sense of collaboration is one of the most important abilities for moderators, but there are other skills required as a community manager:
Being a leader;
Always being courteous to other members;
Possessing exceptional interpersonal and communication skills;
Flexible and willing to work on a part-time basis;
Being able to deal with unforeseeable community situations;
Analytic, creative, proactive and multitasking.
If you notice these skills in one or more members of your web3 community, don't waste time and speak with them privately. We are confident that they will be flattered, and there is an advantage here: they are already well-known members of the community.
Another possibility is to create a formal position for a community manager. In this case, you could promote a with TAIKAI, for example. It’s a way of validating profiles and rewarding community members with crypto.
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Aside from that, there's no need to be embarrassed if you don't have a budget and the position is unpaid. You should, however, properly reward them.
This could be accomplished through benefits such as free and exclusive access to content, beta testing positions, merchandising, and other non-financial perks. And, of course, you can always reward them with your own crypto token.
Leading duties of community moderators
General coordination of a community management team, accounting for their needs, schedules, and reports.
Regular attention to an open teamwork environment.
Cross-platform moderation
Reviewing content based on the community standards, and general good conduct on the web
Overall understanding of the product/project
Daily maintenance (chat groups, channels, or bots)
Updating the management team on good standards and best practices
Focus on technical assistance and user experience
Case-by-case troubleshooting of user issues
Responding to potential misdemeanors/violations
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