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Web Design Template
Web Design Checklist


Carry Out User Research

Use user research methods to understand customer problems and create a site that helps solve them.
Once you’ve understood your users, continue doing research to validate early-stage ideas with your target audience. They’ll provide you with invaluable user insights on the right design to move forward with.
Collect insights from your current or test users with Hotjar . You can also run diary studies, interviews, and focus groups to better understand your users—and whether your design meets their specific needs.

Do Market Research

Market research teaches you how your site will fit into an existing market and what you can do to stand out from your competitors.
: understand the market for your website, determine its viability, and narrow down your target audience by spending time reading industry reports, creating , conducting interviews, and analyzing market data
Competitor research: there’s a lot you can learn from the competition—pinpoint your key competitors and run competitor analysis to identify their strengths and weaknesses
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