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Web Design Checklist


Content tasks

Strong content helps you share key information, elevate your brand identity, make a good impression, and encourage users to convert into paying customers. Here's how to strategically optimize both copy and images on your site:

9. Source and optimize your images

One of the most common is including bad quality, redundant, or poorly sized images that bore, confuse, and even irritate customers. Your website's images need to capture users’ attention, bring your brand to life, and create a lasting impression.
Use these best practices to make sure you’re choosing—and optimizing—the right photos for your site:
Create your own images: don’t use stock photos or repurpose visuals from elsewhere. You’ll have better results if you take your own photographs or commission illustrations that truly represent your brand.
Be intentional: don’t plaster images all over your site for no reason. Only include visuals that are relevant, meaningful, and deliver value to your customers.
Size images correctly: giant photo files are a major culprit behind slow website loading speeds, which damages UX and drives up . Tools like , , and can help you get your photos website-ready.

10. Create engaging, on-brand copy

Writing the perfect website copy can be a tricky balancing act: great content should be detailed enough to address specific user needs and communicate your brand identity—but not so long that it seems boring, long-winded, or irrelevant.
Great copy keeps customers informed on your products and helps them form deeper connections with your brand, so it’s essential to get it right.
The best way to create great website copy is by . Build empathy with your users so you can address their specific problems and pain points in your writing.
Other that can help you produce great copy:
Talk to your customers to create a tone of voice (TOV) guide and use it to write consistent, user-centered copy
Write with purpose: don’t include any fluff and make sure every sentence is valuable or useful to your customers
Break up your text into headings, subheadings, quotes, lists, and short paragraphs so it’s easy to scan
Proofread and edit all copy before it goes live
Track content with tools like Hotjar's once your site is live to better understand what copy is engaging users and getting them to convert, and what’s getting ignored.
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