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Margo Field Clearing

Instance 5

While we have been working towards clearing up the field around agreements and accountability there are a few things I feel I would like to presence and gain greater clarity around.
Key Points of Awareness
When Norm purchased a water heater for $1000 with no proposal, Keala spent $100’s of dollars on the materials for the wood for FC and You and LA spend $100’s of dollars on the Bus with no proposal. I mentioned several times for us to clarify how much the SC is able to spend without needing a proposal, and clarified the importance of that because it has been a gray area. While the spending limit is $1000, You said it should be under $250 considering the budget and left it at that. However this was never further addressed and when i suggested we spend a few hundred dollars for the maintenance of the Fairy Nest counter tops it was made into a big deal. This was very confusing to me and I mentioned with La, which apparently she felt bad about and told Jerry to just go ahead and do it.
I expressed a few times the importance of drafting out more clarity around the operations Pod agreements and guidelines, however you disagreed with me and that left a gray area on what exactly we can handle or not handle without the SC. Which ties into everything mentioned above feeling unclear among other things. Not to mention this was one of the reasons we even spoke to the importance of having an Operations Pod, yet it went unaddressed as I surrendered into your direction and resistance.
When Johnny went over the budget for either almost $1000 or even more, it was no big deal to make sure he got paid. Yet when I requested for 10 additional hours for the work I did over my $2000 stipend last month there was an immediate resistance from you and said we will have t see if the SC accpets that.
Yaniv and norm haven't paid Artifactory rent over a period of time, which I ended up finding out months after we had reviewed everything as the SC, yet somehow is was accounted for in the spreadsheets and never brought up.
Norm these last few days bulldozing around the house with no proposal and no awareness of what's going on until halfway through - or the point of awareness I spoke to in bullet point 1 up above. La ended up telling me that she paid for that out of her own pocket, so it made it somehow ok I guess - even though the new agreement field with La and the HoA hasn't been brought into the SC awareness yet, or the fact that norms negative impact on the land with how he does earthworks still hasn't been addressed with land stewardship protocols.
I notice you havn’t been holding others accountable to our agreements and protocols, or even yourself for that matter as I had to ask for you to start posting your monthly reports as well as budget reports which we didn't get until 3 months after our first 90 day contracts that got approved, by the SC. However you have held the accountability sharply with me for everything.
To me the ways in which I have witnessed you only hold certain people accountable as of recently has created a form of biasness and can clearly see how this biasness is taken to support what YOU think is best and is ok.
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