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(CC) Incubator
Harmonic Guidance System

Sacral Center

The Sacral Chakra governs our creativity and the sensual nature of feeling pleasure, self worth, and joy. The sacral is where we source energy for creativity, movement, procreation, desire, and pleasure. This center is about being able to feel like we have the freedom in our life to fully express our needs and desires creatively and intimately.
This stage initiates our ability to manifest through our feelings that arise to create and be intimate - reminding us to express our emotions in a way that allows the energy to flow into what we are passionate about, making pleasure a priority. Is it important to have the creative outlets and relationships that support the flow of this creative energy in a way that can be harnessed, and directed towards experiencing greater joy and intimacy surrounding our creations. This sense of connection and belonging is what keeps the sacred heart flame of passion lit, and also is what fuels the fire of our self worth.
In Consciously Concepted we nurture our divine expressions of creativity and intimacy by igniting the spirit of creation in the Temple of Harmony and unleash our evolutionary potential in the Creative Studio & Innovation Lab - where we have access to what we need in order to play and explore as with one another. As we fuel the passions of our hearts desires and needs we awaken to more of our authentic truth and higher purpose for creation.
Creative Studio - Outlets For Creative Expression
Conscious Innovation Lab - Exploratory For Evolving Consciousness
Cultivate Aligned & Intimate Network of Co-Creationships
The sacral center is where our creative expressions come to life and purpose transforms into tangible solutions. We aim to ignite passion by unleashing creativity and innovation which takes the shape of unique offerings that resonate with purpose. In collaboration we guide the creative direction and embrace agile management for the accelerated manifestation of meaningful products & services.
Creative Direction: Guide the creative development process and provide inspirational insights and direction on ideas and concepts providing clear pathways for how to actualize the offer into something tangible.
Product/Service Development: Collaborate in transforming passions and purpose into tangible, meaningful products. Offer support through curating of multi-step product development processes, ensuring a seamless journey from ideation to market-ready solutions.
Agile Management: Craft roadmaps that reflect the dynamic flow of creativity and manifestation, guiding the agile development of distinctive products and services. Through the adoption of Agile Management, we will be able to amplify flexibility through the birthing stages and accelerate development initiatives in order to streamline the creation process of how we deliver products and services.

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