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Coda Distributed Protocol Library (Master)

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Publish A Doc

Publish your doc

Please note, you need to be the doc owner (and therefore a ) to publish a doc.
Publishing a Coda doc is not too different from sharing it! You'll use the Share button in the upper righthand corner of your doc to open your publishing options:
publish doc (intro).gif
💡 Tip: before publishing a doc, you may want to consider adding a cover photo, a subtitle, and/or an author byline. . For more tips on how to prepare your doc for publishing, .
Here are all the steps you'll follow to publish a doc:
Click the Share button in the upper righthand corner of your doc
Choose the Publish tab. If this is your first time publishing from your Coda account, you will be able to choose a Coda username. Learn more about .
Hit the Start publishing button. A panel will open on your left. Click into each section to adjust the settings of your soon-to-be-published doc.
Use the Audience and interaction menu to control who can access your doc and how they’ll interact with it.
Discoverable by anyone: By default, this is turned on, which allows your doc to be found in search engines and in Coda’s . Toggle this setting off to prevent others from finding your doc in searches. If you want to learn more about publishing a doc to only your team, .
Doc category: If you have Discoverable by anyone turned on, this will determine under which category your doc appears in the gallery.
Doc interaction: You can set your docs to View, Play, or Edit. We'll talk a bit more about each of these interaction levels !
Earn on this doc: When turned on, you will earn $10 in Coda credit if viewers sign up or copy your doc. Learn more about our .
Allow copies: Should users see a button encouraging them to copy your doc to create their own version of the doc?
Open the Custom domain menu to connect your publish doc to a personalized domain. on publishing to a custom domain.
Open the Appearance menu to put the final visual touches on your doc.
Doc cover photo: Toggle this on to show the first page’s cover photo in your published doc.
Doc subtitle: Toggle this on to show the first page’s subtitle in your published doc.
Show pages on the top nav: Toggle this on to make you pages look like tabs at the top of your published doc, with subpages as drop-down options.
Choose a URL for your doc—we suggest leaving the default URL.
Click Open preview to see how your doc will look when Published, or click Next to proceed.
Click the Publish doc button to publish your Coda doc.

Choose how people can interact with your doc

Publishing currently supports three levels of interaction: view, play, and edit. These levels apply to anyone with a link to your doc (including those who find it via search engine, if you have Discoverable by anyone toggled on).
publish interaction settings.gif
View: If you select the view option, anyone with the link will be able to view your doc, but not interact with it or edit it. Please note controls like sliders, reactions, scales and buttons that would edit the doc will be disabled. This is a good option for articles, manuals, blog posts, etc.
Play: Docs set to play can be viewed and interacted with by anyone (including those without Coda accounts or are not logged in), but their changes won't be saved. This is a good option for quizzes, calculators, worksheets, etc.
Edit: Docs in edit mode will allow anyone to view, interact with, and make changes to your doc. Changes made to docs in edit mode will be saved. This is a good option for voting, brainstorming, crowdsourcing, etc.
Please note you have to be signed in to your Coda account to edit the published doc. If you are logged out, the buttons and controls will be disabled. Sign up or log in to use them.

Related resources

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.