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Coda Distributed Protocol Library (Master)
Doc/ Page Customizations

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Cross Doc/ Page Syncing

Set up Cross-doc Sync Tables

Learn how to set up Cross-doc sync tables to pull data in from another doc.
Cross-doc allows you to easily pull in tables from other Coda docs so that you can annotate, review, or reference them as needed. If you find yourself needing to use the same data in multiple documents and don't want to go through the hassle of manually copying and pasting it every time there is an update, Cross-doc provides a convenient solution. This article will cover the basics of setting up and configuring your Cross-doc sync table.
Select New sync page from the options. Alternatively, you can click the three horizontal dot menu ( ... ) next to the name of an existing page, then choose Add page > New sync page.

Sync Pages

Open the doc that you want to add a sync page to.
At the bottom of your page list (left side of your doc), click on the dropdown (v icon) next to New page. If your page list is collapsed, hover your mouse in the bottom left corner and wait for this to appear. Select New sync page from the options.
Alternatively, you can click the three horizontal dot menu ( ... ) next to the name of an existing page, then choose Add page > New sync page.
You can then either paste the link to the page you want to sync in. Or you can click the Browse docs option to find the doc in question and choose the desired page from that doc.
If the page you’ve chosen includes subpages, you’ll see an Include subpages toggle. Toggle this setting on to also sync in the subpages.

Sync Docs

To sync full docs, follow the steps in the through step #3. Once you've browsed for and selected the doc you'd like to sync in, you should see an Entire doc toggle near the title of your selected doc. Toggle this option on, then hit Create.
Now that entire doc will be synced into your current doc. The doc will appear as a top-level page in your page list, with all of its pages nested underneath.

Access to sync pages

It’s important to understand how doc and page access works when syncing pages or entire docs from one doc to another - especially if people have different types of access to the two docs.
When you add a sync page - or an entire doc - from one Coda doc (we’ll call the “source doc”) into another doc (we’ll call the “container doc”), viewers in the container doc will have the same level of access to those sync pages as they do for the source doc.
In other words, if someone can edit the source doc that you’re adding from, they will also be able to edit it from within the sync page (within the container doc). Or if someone only has view access to the source doc, they will still only have view access to the sync page in the container doc.
Some edit actions are limited on sync pages. Editors can use buttons, controls and forms, change table values, add and delete rows, and edit page text.

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