option that lets you broadcast your ideas to the world. Your doc gets a unique URL, which unfurls when pasted in many sites (including social networks).
If you set your published doc to discoverable, your doc will be made available for web search indexing so that it can find an even broader audience. You can also determine how people can interact with your doc, and whether they can copy it to use as a template. Read on to learn more.
Heads up: this article will walk you through publishing docs to the world. If you only want to publish your doc to your team,
If the owner of the doc has permitted copies to be made (see section below), you should see a Copy Doc button in the upper-right corner of the doc. If there is no Copy Doc option available, this indicates that the doc owner has disabled the ability for others to copy their doc.
Key Points:
A copy of this doc will live entirely as its own, unconnected doc in the workspace of the user who copies it.
Edits will not impact the source doc.
There are no connections between tables of the source doc and the new, copied doc.