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Index Wallets Research Repository
Index Wallets Research Progress


Joel Miller’s work this month seems to indicate that index wallets do have regions where a customer can “selfishly donate” to their own benefit

Colton and Philip showed that even under assumptions of monopolistic vendors and selfish actors, where dollars are the only thing that vendors want to receive (three fairly stringent assumptions), there was still a way for the vendor to set a valuation > 0 for a donation token (thereby causing people to effectively donate to it) without taking a loss

Colton and Philip showed that donors have a significant incentive to avoid bundling all their donation tokens together into a single wallet, and to instead separate them into their own wallets.

Julian began the process of designing an experiment setup for us to turn into a game, Lauren also makes a brief cameo in this as she’s planning on contributing

Contribution from Community and Friends

Sam Schreer provided line by line commentary on the index wallets faqs. We also have a recording of the conversations somewhere which I would share if I could find it.

Mike of Abundance Protocol also generously offered some of his own criticisms of Index Wallets

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