A statement made in the Negation Game, representing a belief
A stake placed on a Point by players to represent their belief in the Point
Credence: The score calculated for Points by the algorithm. It's intended as a measure of how defensible a Point's belief is.
The negation relationship from a Point to another Point, attacking that belief and reducing it's credence. Implicates a mutual negation relationship
The link between a Point and a Negation. Represents the questioning of the relevance of that Negation.
The link between a Point and another Point or between a Point and a Negation.
The score calculated for a negation link. Represents how relevant the relationship is between the two endpoints, and modulates how much impact one can have over the other.
Slashing is a mechanism that allows a player to remove his conviction from a Point by paying a slashing fee. That fee is shared between the stakers of direct counterpoints of that Point
Error Bounty
A player makes a statement that this point would change their mind if it were true. They get extra influence for doing so. They can then voluntarily slash. Error bounty could also be referred to as “betting against a point”