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Componly Security References
Componly Security References

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Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services that we use for SSO.
ISO27001 : Auth0 is ISO27001 certified by a third party, managing information security risk in such a way as to comply with a robust design, implementation and continuous monitoring framework.
ISO27018 : Auth0 is ISO27018 certified by a third party, complying with security and privacy guidelines for managing PII as a cloud service provider.
SOC 2 Type II : Auth0 has completed a full third-party SOC 2 Type II audit - an independent auditor has evaluated our product, infrastructure, and policies, and certifies that Auth0 complies with their stringent requirements.
HIPAA BAA : Auth0 offers HIPAA BAA agreements to companies in the healthcare industry that must comply with HIPAA regulations for safeguarding patient privacy and sensitive health information.
Gold CSA STAR : Auth0 has achieved a Level 2 audit Gold CSA Star certification for its cloud service security capabilities.
PCI DSS Compliance : Auth0 is compliant with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) that requires strict security controls and processes for transacting customer payment card data.
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