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Community Bible Church of La Carlota City Inc.
Church Volunteers and Servers

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Multimedia Team


The Community Bible Church of La Carlota City Inc MULTIMEDIA MINISTRY was born during the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic, when face-to-face gatherings were prohibited, and lockdown and quarantine protocols were strictly enforced. It was a challenge to the church to keep ministering despite the limited interaction with people.
Social media sites were the primary platform for broadcasting live worship services, prayer meetings, and church concerts via the members' online tools, devices, and gadgets. It started as a one-man project, but due to the high demand in preparing these tools, a call to train interested youth has been initiated. From September to October 2020, six dedicated individuals took on the challenge of learning with weekly exposure to using these tools and eventually becoming proficient in preparing these tools today. More dedicated individuals were trained over the course of five days in July 2022 where other churches in the area joined in as well. The new recruits, had undergone their on-the-job training by being exposed to the multimedia functions with the months of September and November of 2022.
Last December 26, 2023, the ministry hosted a retreat and challenged OJT trainees to be an official part of the team at Campuestuhan Highland Resort. Nine of the new recruits appointed to join the Multimedia Team as full-fledged members. They went through a probationary period between January and June 2023, during which they were coached and assessed on their commitment. Last June 2023, the team welcomed 7 new formal members who also took on specialized duties in the ministry, while the other two are still members of the team, assisting with specific functions. The team has also officially welcomed members of the Jesus First publication that will launch on the later months of the year.
We thank the Lord for answering one of the team's goals and prayers this year 2023, as two complete sets of computers, together with a box to keep the equipment, were made possible by a church donation. The team faced different obstacles that enabled them to press on and become more diligent in their commitment to serve the Lord. On August 11, 2023, the official Facebook page was compromised by a hacker as a result of system malware interruption. The team had to pause online live broadcasting until October 2023 and participate in cybersecurity and online safety trainings and seminars on June 24, 2023. To grow the ministry andas it continue topursue an opportunity to develop an online outreach program, the team offered Multimedia training every Saturday from September 23 to October 21, 2023.
As of date, the ministry is headed by Miss Lalaine Moralidad as the Ministry Head, with Miss Delight Joy Arroyo as the Graphics Design Officer, Miss Erika Liper as the Special Events and Feature Officer, Lioma Jean Arguilles as the Photo Officer, Miss Julie Ann Mondia for Jesus First Publication, Miss Roselle Juplo as a Content Creator and Miss Jicyll Capistrano as the Video Editor/Officer with Mr. Stephen John Apostol as the Tech Support. Mrs. Eunice Ann Pabalate as the Ministry Adviser and consultant, Miss Ma. Althea Estevanez and Miss Jiecel Flores as Jesus First Publication advisers.




TRAINEE – Shall attend and complete a 5 half-day workshop scheduled and prepared by the Multimedia Core Team, as well as three months of on-the-job training during Youth Fellowship, Outreach events and/or Church Prayer Meetings under the supervision of an Officer or Officers.
NEW MEMBER – shall be a bona fide member of the Community Bible Church of La Carlota City Inc., have successfully undergone the 5 half-day training and OJT support. Displayed perseverance, faithfulness and commitment during training. Shall sign an oath of commitment. After 6 months as a Probationary member shall become a regular member and shall be assigned to work closely with the Core Team. (Shall be assigned in one of the following: Video Editor member, photography and Safe keeper member, special events/feature member, graphics design member.
VIDEO EDITOR/HEAD - captures, edits, renders, and produces videos as needed. Will collaborate closely with the photography officer/safe keeper to unify graphics created by the graphics officer. Shall attend to the needs of the church ministries but not limited to Church Anniversaries, special Sundays and other concerns.
*ASST. VIDEO EDITOR – shall assist in capturing, editing, rendering and producing vide as needed. In the absence of the Video Editor head, shall take responsibility of the responsibilities.
PHOTOGRAPHY OFFICER/SAFE KEEPER HEAD - captures photos, collects, keeps, and submits all documents to the special events/feature Officer, keeps track of all records, organizes files, albums, photos, and special documents. Will collaborate closely with the Feature Officer. Shall attend to the needs of the church ministries but not limited to Church Anniversaries, special Sundays and other concerns.
*ASST. PHOTO OFFICER/SAFE KEEPER – shall assist in capturing photo, collect, keep and submit all documents to the special events/feature officer and shall take initiative to take over the responsibility in the absence of the Head photo officer.

SPECIAL EVENTS/FEATURE HEAD - must keep track of all church special events, create narratives, captions, and reports for all CHURCH activities such as outreaches, special occasions, and Sunday celebrations, facilitates the feature of the special event, and so on. Will collaborate closely with the graphics officer on cover graphics.
*ASST. SPECIAL EVENTS/FEATURE OFFICER – shall assist the special events/feature officer in keeping track of all Church Special events, create narratives, captions and reports of all Church activities. Shall take place in the absence of the Special Events/Feature Head.

GRAPHICS HEAD - shall manage the church's social media account, prepare all graphic designs such as monthly themes, birthdays, announcements, special events, posters, PowerPoint designs, OBS layover, and the like. Reports to the Multimedia Head.
*ASST. GRAPHICS OFFICER – Shall assist in managing social media account prepare all graphics design such as mentioned above. Shall take over the responsibilities in the absence of the Graphics Head.

CONTENT CREATOR HEAD (NEW) - Writes, reviews, edits, and updates content for organization websites, blogs, marketing materials, and related platforms. Conducting research and interviews to understand more about current trends, advancements, and perspectives about the topic, and then contextualizing findings.
*ASST. CONTENT CREATOR (NEW) – shall help with reviews, edits and updates on the content of the multimedia platforms. In the absence of the Content Creator, shall take over necessary responsibilities.

JESUS FIRST PUBLICATION HEAD (NEW) - Shall tap writers, oversee organize content, oversee deadlines, to plan, organize, edit and write parts of the content of each year’s newsletter, Gather and choose possible photos, images for publication. Shall work closely with the feature officer, graphics head and photo officer for the development and reproduction of the Annual Newsletter.
*JESUS FIRST ASSISTANT (NEW) – shall help and assist the Publication head to organize, materialize and implement Church publication.

JESUS FIRST ADVISER/S (NEW)– Shall support, mentor, guide and help Jesus First publication head
in organizing, writing and reproduce quality content for Church Publication.

MULTIMEDIA HEAD - The overseer of the entire multimedia ministry is responsible of the following: setting reminders and schedules; inventorying equipment; conducting needs analysis; proof reading of lyrics, designs and output; reporting the ministry's specific needs; establishing training and enhancement programs; and responding to all multimedia-related concerns. Will collaborate closely with the adviser/consultant , Tech support, Church Board and the church pastor.

TECH SUPPORT – shall provide technical assistance for troubleshooting, manage equipment, advancing tools and proper usage. Shall share expertise for the advancement of the ministry. Will work closely with the multimedia head.

MINISTRY ADVISER/CONSULTANT – shall work closely with the multimedia head and troubleshoot concerns related to the multimedia ministry, shall organize fund raising activities, needs analysis, conducts retreat, evaluation of members, and/or counseling. Shall introduce new tools to the team and train regular members.


• Shall be conducted once or twice a year • Seek permission and approval from the Church Board and officers • Shall be posted one month before the scheduled training • Recruit interested members through the accomplishment of google forms.
Curriculum for training: • DAY 1 – Orientation; Topic 1: Specs, Shortcut Keys, Troubleshooting and Cleaning Tools • Day 2 – Topic 2: Easy Worship and Powerpoint, Presentation • Day 3 – Topic 3: Power Director • Day 4 – Topic 4: OBS • Day 5 – Presentation of Output and Closing Ceremony
• After the training, shall undergo three months of OJT support to operate during Youth Fellowship, Outreach events and Church Prayer Meeting.
• After successfully accomplishing the 5 half-day training and OJT Support and before becoming an official member of the Multimedia Ministry ,three Recommendations from the Multimedia Core Team, Peer and Pastor shall be accomplished thru google forms (Confidential). The aspiring member should have three recommendations before signing the oath.
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