Old Book

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What is Cancer?
Cancer - is a disease in which cells grow & divides uncontrollably, damaging the parts of the body around them
there are more than 100 types of cancer
can occur in any part of the body
lung cancer is most deadly
How Cancer Begins
Mutation - a change in gene or chromosome
Damage to DNA causes cancer
cancer begins when mutations disrupt the normal cell cycle, causing cells to divide in an uncontrolled way
Tumor - a mass of abnormal cells that develop when cancerous cells divide and grow uncontrollably
How Cancer Spreads
some of the cancerous cells may break off the tumor and enter the bloodstream
Treating & Preventing Cancer
Treating Cancer
surgery, radiation, chemotherapy/drugs
Radiation - high energy beams that target rapidly dividing cells
Chemotherapy - is the use of drugs to treat a disease, these drugs kill cancer cells/slow their growth
if scientists can discover how the cell cycle is controlled they may find ways to sop cancer cells from multiplying
Preventing Cancer
people can reduce their chances of developing cancer by avoiding smoking, eating a healthful diet, and protecting their skin from bright sunlight
eat fruits and vegetables can help lower your risk for some types of cancer
wear sunscreen
smoking, diet, sunlight can increase your risks of developing cancer
Science & Society
Why Does Drug Approval Take So Long?
new medicines/devices undergo extensive testing
the FDA balances 2 needs
sick people need to have the best treatments available including promising new drugs
patients need to be protected from drugs that do not work or are harmful

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