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Alexa Wildish

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I was invited to join Cohere in Guatemala in April, but couldn’t make it there until May. When I arrived, others kept telling a similar story to mine, they put all their things in storage, and didn’t know what was next for them. To say my life has completely shifted since my time at Cohere at Lake Atitlan feels like an understatement. I am now on a full fledged life adventure where I am surrendered to what feels good. The Cohere team made the transition into this lifestyle so easy and fun. I have made friends and a community that feel like they will last lifetimes. I am so excited for Cohere, and what they are offering during these very unknown times. I think that feeling of being in the unknown is getting easier knowing that others are in this same place of adventure with me.


To say my life has completely shifted since my time at Cohere is an understatement. I am now on a full fledged life adventure where I am surrendered to what feels good. I believe that feeling of being in the unknown is getting easier knowing that others are in this same place of adventure with me.

Karla Rasmusson

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It was amazing to be part of a group who are living their values in a very simple, physical way. We got to see it go from a feeling & a theoretical idea when we were invited to come to Guatemala, to something tangible we were actively creating together. It was the right balance of community building and autonomy that allowed for me to feel welcome while still owning my needs and desires in the moment. I left feeling closer to the land and nourished by new friendships.


It is amazing to be part of a group who are living their values in a very simple, physical way. Cohere provides the right balance of community-building and autonomy that allowed for me to feel welcome while still owning my needs and desires in the moment.

Dmitri Sunshine

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The amazing vortex of good vibes surrounding the Cohere community fills me up on such a deep level that I am washed over with waves of deep bliss on a daily basis. Being surrounded by my brothers and sisters who have done the deep inner work to stand strong in their authentic selves, I feel deeply inspired and grounded. Everyday I look forward to dropping in deeper with the ever growing community and the fresh energy that each new member brings. This is exactly what I’ve been searching for.


The vortex of good vibes surrounding this community fills me on such a deep level that I’m flooded with waves of deep bliss on a daily basis. I feel deeply inspired and grounded being surrounded by my brothers and sisters who have done the deep inner work to stand strong in their authentic selves.

Elias Serra

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Imagine being surrounded by a group of people who are all dedicated to living in a more whole, interconnected, and regenerative way. The currencies of this community are various — meals, stories, offerings and transformational ideas to name a few. During my time with Cohere I felt constantly inspired, uplifted, and celebrated for my contributions. Both the physical and social infrastructure of the experience served to encourage beauty, health and meaningful connection with other passionate humans. I’m part of a generation that is questioning everything about how we “ought” to be organizing our lives. The facade of “success” built upon endless industrial growth, radical individualism and overconsumption is crumbling. We are left asking what can emerge in place of this? Cohere invited me into this living inquiry, and I was accompanied by other bold adventurers who refuse to settle for a status quo that doesn’t affirm life, reciprocity, or human thriving. I am tremendously grateful for my time at Lake Atitlan, and the ripples of that experience continue to enrich my life socially, ideologically, and vocationally. Cohere wasn’t a retreat or workshop. It wasn’t a job. It wasn’t a place or even a specific group of people. It was an emergent prototype of living a more beautiful life in community. I found myself asking “can life really be this good?”


Cohere wasn’t a retreat or workshop. It wasn’t a job. It wasn’t a place or even a specific group of people. It was an emergent prototype of living a more beautiful life in community. During my time with Cohere I felt constantly inspired, uplifted, and celebrated for my contributions. I often found myself asking “can life really be this good?”

Rowen Mikodah

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Cohere provided community space in a veritable paradise! While I had my nose to the grindstone launching a new business, it was a blast to experience meaningful connections with people who have inspired future collabs and new passion projects. This is how I want to live my life!


Cohere provided community space in a veritable paradise! While I had my nose to the grindstone launching a new business, it was a blast to experience meaningful connections with people who have inspired future collabs and new passion projects. This is how I want to live my life!

Aaron Bugaj

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The feelings of abundance, inspiration, and community that I experienced at Cohere is one that everyone should experience. Cohere has opened up a new doorway for all of us; one that leads to a healthier, livelier, more beautiful way to live. In addition to the seductive locations, the real magic is made up of a group of amazing and spirited people co-creating extraordinary lives together. Lives full of great food, lots of dancing, and countless opportunities to innovate and collaborate professionally at every turn.


The feelings of abundance, inspiration, and community that I experienced at Cohere is one that everyone should experience. Cohere has opened up a new doorway for all of us; one that leads to a healthier, livelier, more beautiful way to live.


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My time spent with the Cohere community was inspiring, elevating, and expansive in so many ways. The incredible people magnetized to this project have touched my heart and ignited excitement for what we are capable of creating when we come together with common visions, the desire to make a positive impact, and the actions to bring our dreams to life. I am eternally grateful to know such amazing devoted people on the path of caring for our home and each other. Love y’all Xo

Milene Broche

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Gratitude. I met the founders in my homeland, Ecuador. And saw a bright light in their eyes that sparkled from a deep desire for a different system, lifestyle, economy and relationship with Mother Earth. A few weeks later I started working with the Cohere team in content creation. My job is my dream job and I get to collaborate and learn from amazing people. So yes, gratitude for Cohere. Profound gratitude and so much excitement for what is coming.


I met the founders in my homeland, Ecuador, and saw a bright light in their eyes that sparkled from a deep desire for a different system, lifestyle, economy and relationship with Mother Earth. A few weeks later I started my dream job working with Cohere to develop content, which allows me to collaborate and learn from amazing people. So much gratitude for Cohere and profound excitement for what is coming.

Liam Bauer

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I lived, worked, played, connected and collaborated with the founders of Cohere and their greater network for both the Guatemala and Ecuador retreats. I experienced firsthand the abundant lifestyle they want to share and saw clearly that they embody the same values they hold true for Cohere.


I lived, worked, played, connected and collaborated with the founders of Cohere and their greater network for both the Guatemala and Ecuador retreats. I experienced firsthand the abundant lifestyle they want to share and saw clearly that they embody the same values they hold true for Cohere.

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