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Interview Guide

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System design section

System design section


This section is not required for junior and middle roles, but you may want to ask the candidate, if they want to take it.
Why this section is important: it is all about decentralizing the decision-making process and selecting people in the team, who are able to take the responsibility for parts of the products and think holistically. And yes, those powers are not always connected to algorithmic thinking and the ability to convert time to code at the highest rate. If you discover such abilities, but the candidate gets a not satisfying you score in the algorithmic section, you can still propose them to a different department.
The main stages of the system-design section are depicted below. Typical timing for the interview is 2h and purely dependent on how well are you prepared as an interviewer. Remember, that managing the time constrains is your responsibility, but share it with the candidate, and add points, if the candidate tracks time themselves. Cut the edges, decrease the scope, guide the candidate and stop from extra grounding.

1. Problem statement

Common sense

First, the interviewer provides the name of the task, gives additional context and formulates the main functional and non-functional requirements. In the following steps, the candidate takes control of the interview and leads the interview (if they can).
The interviewer narrates the task and at the same time adds the requirements to the board so that they are always in front of the candidate, and it is easy to go back to them and check if the solution meets the expectations. After the requirements have been explained, the ball goes to the candidate, and they can clarify anything that remains unclear about the task. For example, they can ask questions that relate to the planned load on the system, as these points often have a dramatic effect on what the conceptual design will end up being. The answers to these questions are usually good to capture next to the initial requirements, because we'll need them later on.
It’s important to give enough context here, and not simply request for “the best practices” or “design based on your experience”. That will show the candidate either how chaotic are you (do you want to work in chaos yourself?) or how unprepared are you (you don’t value the candidate’s time). In return, you’ll get not what you want, and that will frustrate you and force to a decision fallacy. With no guide rails (requirements), candidates tend to simplify the design (quite fairly) or to focus on the topics they know the best, which will consume all the time of the interview and also drive you to a decision fallacy.
The notation doesn’t matter, and the candidate allowed to use any and combine many if needed, but should justify the choice.
I personally suggest a candidate to use a service, since it integrates to the Teams call and can be set up quite fast during the call. Use only Software sketching tool set. Not a solution to advise, rather own experience.

Example interview

This article will consider a typical build a YouTube exercise, that shows us some often forgotten high-load specifics.
# Problem statement Design an application that allows content creators to upload a video and everyone else to view that video. ## Functional requirements * The system should allow channel creators to upload videos as quick as possible * Videos should be published to the feeds of channel subscribers * Viewers should be able to change the quality of the video when watching it
## Non-functional requirements — architectural characteristics * The system must be highly available * The system must be scalable and fault-tolerant * We must ensure that the cost of the service infrastructure is as low as possible

2. Formalize the task

Common sense

The second stage is the formalization stage, in which the candidate asks questions of the interviewer to clarify exactly what the system should be able to do, as well as identifying key architectural characteristics of the system, such as: high availability, data consistency, high throughput, scalability, auditability, and other -ilities.
During the formalization, the candidate will gather the missing requirements, and the interviewer will gladly answer. Functional requirements in the form of desired system scenarios that the system should implement. And non-functional requirements or architectural characteristics. Along it, the candidate should determine the relative importance of these requirements among themselves — not all functional requirements are equally important and often the most complex of them needs to be worked out the best. Similarly, for architectural characteristics — sometimes they contradict each other, and we need to know which of them should be prioritized, even to the detriment of others.
In addition, it is necessary for the candidate to ask questions that will allow them to understand the load on the system: how many users there will be, what is the load (number of requests, RPS, RPM), how much data will have to be stored, and so on. It is valuable not just to ask these questions in a row, but to select them based on the context of the task. Having asked some questions, it is useful to formulate some hypotheses about specific numbers that are essential for the system. This data that we will need to use to work out the system sizing issues.
Here an interviewer better should remember some reference data themselves, and share with the candidate, if needed.
The “back-of-the-envelope estimation”:
— 2⁰=1, 1 byte, — 2¹⁰≈10³ byte, 1 Kilobyte, 1 KB — 2²⁰ ≈10⁶ byte, 1 Megabyte, 1 MB — 2³⁰ ≈10⁹ byte, 1 Gigabyte, 1 GB — 2⁴⁰ ≈10¹² byte, 1 Terabyte, 1 TB — 2⁵⁰ ≈10¹⁵ byte, 1 Petabyte, 1 PB — 2⁶⁰ ≈10¹⁸ byte, 1 Exabyte, 1 EB
Latency numbers everyone should know:

Availability numbers:
SLA=99%, unavailability 1%, 14.4 min per day, 3.65 day per year
SLA=99.9%, unavailability 0.1%, 1.44 min per day, 0.365 day per year
SLA=99.99%, unavailability 0.01%, 8.64 sec per day, 52.6 min per year
SLA=99.999%, unavailability 0.001%, 0.864 sec/day, 5.26 min/year
SLA=99.9999%, unavailability 0.0001%, 0.0864 sec/day, 31.56 sec/year
Help and guide the candidate, if necessary, but let them lead the interview. Join the candidate, use “we” noun, relax them, but keep the structure.

Example interview

Here is a sample dialog with questions from the candidate and answers from the interviewer in italic.
Do we need to consider client authentication and authorization?
No, it's pretty standard here and out of scope for our case.
Can we use external services, for example, CDN for content distribution?
Yes, we can, if we justify why we need them and how we will interact with them. Specifically regarding CDN, I can say that creating a full-fledged CDN is a separate System Design task.
Will we dig deep into video transcoding?
No, we won't, as this is already quite a specific domain, and we don't have a goal to check your knowledge of it.
What resolutions should we convert video to?
Let's say 360, 480, 720, 1080.
Do we keep the original video after all conversions or not?
We will delete the original video after all conversions.
Should the video be available to subscribers when all resolutions are ready, or at least one?
Video will be made available when all resolutions are ready.
Subscriber feeds are generated in a smart way or are they just the latest videos added by the authors we are subscribed to
Let the feeds in our case be simple with sorting by time from most recent to latest, we will receive the feed in portions of 10 elements.
How many users do we expect our service to have?
DAU (Daily Active Users) of our service will be 10 mln
Are our users geographically distributed?
Yes, they are located in different regions.
How many videos per day will our users watch?
On average, 10 videos per day.
How many videos will be uploaded per day.
On average, users upload 0.1 videos per day
What is the average size of videos that will be uploaded to our service?
Average video size will be 300 Mb
How often users will request their feed with video?
On average, 5 times a day
How long do we store uploaded videos
Storage time is not limited
Now that we have collected the load requirements, we can roughly estimate the sizing of the system. This directly affects our approaches to its design. And that means we should do some basic calculations.
Number of video views — 10⁷ × 10 = 10⁸ Daily traffic on download — 10⁸ × 300 Mb = 30 Pb Bandwidth to download — 30Pb / 86400 (seconds in a day) = 43.4 Gb/sec Number of videos downloaded per day — 10⁷ × 0.1 = 10⁶ Number of videos uploaded per second — 10⁶ / 86400 ~12 rps Number of feed requests per second — 5×10⁷ / 86400 ~ 580 rps Daily upload traffic — 10⁶ × 300 Mb =300 Tb We will need to store the original videos until we prepare the video in the required resolutions, then the original video can be deleted — as a result, we will need to have — a relatively permanent buffer storage for original videos, let's take 1 Pb as a reserve — and constantly expandable storage for converted videos, let's assume that all converted videos are the same as original videos — then we need to increase the storage at the rate of 300 Tb per day.

3. System boundaries

Common sense

The third stage is to start designing the system and at this stage it is important to define the boundaries of the system, what scenarios we should implement and what public APIs the system provides. At this stage, the system is a black box for us, but we already know what this black box promises to its users. In general, at this stage, we actually want to build a System Context Diagram from the C4 Model.
A System Context diagram provides a starting point, showing how the software system in scope fits into the world around it.
A candidate needs to be able to choose the right way to interact between system components, external systems and users. In total, there are 4 integration options that Gregor Hohpe talked about in his book “Enterprise Integration Patterns”:
Files — integration via file uploads.
Database — integration through a common database.
API — integration via API (the most convenient way for most cases).
Messaging — integration via sending and receiving messages, including events as a subclass of messages.
Knowing about these methods, we need to understand their pros and cons and decide the method that is more suitable for our case. If we select integration via API, we need to understand what approaches exist there, for example: REST (Open API), RPC (gRPC, JSON-RPC, …), GraphQL, AsyncAPI, Webscokets…

Example interview

At first glance, the system in our case has the following boundaries:
API for uploading videos by the author of the channel
Notification of the author that the video is ready
Notification of channel subscribers about a new video
API for receiving a user's feed of videos based on channel subscriptions
Receiving a binary stream with a specific video
In this case, it is important to note by the candidate that the main write path happens asynchronously — the video creator (VideoMaker) uploads a file, and they know that video processing will take some time. Next, both the video creator and viewers subscribed to the uploading video are notified when it is ready. Another scenario for getting information about a new video is a viewer scrolling (requesting) their feed of available videos. Both in the notifications and in the feed, the URL of the video should be available, so first it will be processed by the pull CDN, which will pull a specific file from the blob storage in the system.

4. Define the main workflow

Common sense

The fourth stage is the most interesting, as it is where the system is iteratively designed. In this stage, it is important to work out the data flows: how a request comes into our system, what do we do with them: save data to the database, put it in the queue or cache it, send it to /dev/null and so on. As we work through the data flow, we have system components that perform some of the functions that are required to implement the desired scenario.
The best strategy at this point is to start working out the happy path of our system scenarios and then go back to the exceptional flows and try to account for them. Special attention should be pointed to read/write paths, because balancing it may have a drastic effect on the overall architecture. It is also significant not to forget non-functional requirements, such as the fact that we can't lose user requests and must complete them in some limited time.
At this stage that it is important to work out the system sizing on a conceptual level, i.e., that the system can be scaled to the planned loads if necessary. For example, it is worth checking that the most loaded parts are horizontally scalable, and we know how to do it.

Example interview

The easiest thing to do here is to take the core scenario and start from there. In this task, it is upload video, where the creator of the video calls our upload API by passing a binary file. Our API should save the original video in blob storage, then save the task to convert the video to the required resolutions and return the task ID to the client.
Next, we need video conversion workers to sort out the tasks. They download the original video from blob storage, and then convert the video and put the finished video into a separate blob storage, and then store meta information about the finished video. After that, a message is opened in the queue that the video is ready. This queue is handled by 2 different workers:
The first one is notification worker, and it sends notifications about video readiness to the author and his subscribers via notification service. The second is a feed worker, which will prepare feeds for subscribers and put it into the feed database.
Another scenario is to retrieve the feed of the video channels to which the user is subscribed. This scenario starts with a call to the feed API, which makes a request to the feed database where user feeds are stored.
The final scenario is video browsing, which happens when accessing a CDN that distributes videos from its local cache or, if the video is not already in the cache, it goes to blob storage where the converted videos are.

5. Conceptual diagram of the system

Common sense

Here we need to talk about: The classes of building blocks that make up the system and the data models that are stored in these blocks and/or used to integrate them. Remind here about persistent and transient data states, and expect data models design to be based on DDD. A candidate should mention the main domains of organization, its subdomains, mention the importance of ubiquitous language and their approach to defining the bounded contexts.
It’s the right time to remind about principles and shortly check candidates' abilities to design the class diagrams.
In the end of the fifth stage, we have the conceptual diagram ready. All results from the last stages are summarized in one place and are consistent.
Components at this level correspond to Architecture Building Blocks from TOGAF.

Example interview

Let's start again with the core scenario of upload video. First, our main workflow scheme did not take into account that our upload api is a service that needs to be deployed in multiple instances for fault tolerance and scalability. These service instances must be backed by a common load balancer. Secondly, putting the initial tasks into a database is one of the options, but it is not optimal for the planned workloads. Instead, it is better to put to a message queue with at least once semantics and the ability to do confirmation processing per message (as can be done in RabbitMQ), rather than move offset (as is common in Kafka). Thirdly, now worker, when processing this queue with original tasks, does not immediately start converting, but makes 4 separate tasks to convert to specific resolutions: 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, puts these tasks into separate conversion queues, and then does acknowledge of the original task.
The optimized part of accepting the tasks to upload videos.
Next, as part of solving the problem, we need to go through all the components (architecture building blocks) of the system and describe, what data will be there and what class of the system it will be:
We have stateless services, for example, workers, api
We have blob storage for storing binary data
We have a message queue to store messages
We have several databases for: storing metadata on downloaded videos; storing information for subscription feeds.
We have external services that we use: a follower service that we use to receive information about subscriptions; a notification service that we use to send notifications to the authors of the downloaded video and the subscribers; a cdn that we use to distribute binary video data to end users.
For all components, it is more or less clear, except for the databases, for which we first need to understand what data will be stored there. Let's start with the video data.
When uploading, in addition to the binary file itself, the author, usually, adds the title of the video and its description, so let's stop there. The most important is that the video metadata store will contain information like:
uuid # video id
author_id # id author
title # title
description # description
360p_path # link to the version in 360p resolution
480p_path # link to the version in 480p resolution
720p_path # link to the version in 720p resolution
1080p_path # link to the version in 1080p resolution
created_at # when it was created
updated_at # when it was updated
And when storing a subscription feed, we should have roughly the following model:
user_id # feed owner
feed # array of video id's that belong to the user's feed
As a result, we have data models and although there are certain relations between them, for better scalability we will store these data in conditional key/value or document-oriented databases.
At the moment the diagram is as follows.

6. Solution design

Common sense

The sixth stage — solution — is focused on selecting specific technologies and discussing the sizing of the system taking into account this choice. At this stage it is possible to demonstrate knowledge of modern solutions and that we will be able to scale the system to the planned loads.
Components at this level correspond to Solution Building Blocks from TOGAF. Scope the solution options to the desired scope: on-premise options, Azure, GCP, AWS or other third-party specific services.
Important: STOP all the solution discussions at the steps above and address them here. If before this step, the candidate starts mentioning the buzzwords before, like “here we’re going to go for event-based architecture approach with partitioned Kafka and ksqlDB with n number of topics”: STOP them, remind of expecting the solution to be discussed later and ask the candidate — why do they think it is essential to really get their agreement to this rule. Reminder to keep the taken level of abstraction and not traveling up and down without justified the change of the abstraction level.
Remember to keep the abstraction levels yourself, it is not that easy :)

Example interview

We’we found the following architecture building blocks above:
load balancer is a pretty standard component that has the difference of balancing at L4 or L7 level. For the first case, the standard on-premise version is HAProxy, and for the second case - Nginx, but in general there can be many variants. Usually, it is an infrastructure component that can be relied on for scalability and fault tolerance because it is provided as a service within the organization.
upload api, feed api are just stateless services in the language you like. The number of requests for upload api at a balanced daily load is about 12 rps, and for feed api - 580 rps. In general, if the load is uneven, it would rather make sense to add something similar to HPA (horizontal pod autoscaler) from K8s for horizontal scaling of our application instances depending on the load.
blob storage - these are storages of original videos and already converted ones. Here we use storage that supports S3 API, which under the hood scales to our workloads. In the cloud it could be the original S3, or in an on-premise installation MinIO or Ceph. Either way, it's usually an infrastructure component which can be relied upon for scalability and fault tolerance because it's provided as a service within the organization.
queues - for our usage pattern we need a message broker (like Apache Camel), not a log-based message queue (like Kafka). However, Kafka also can be used, if it is a common practice in the organisation. We know what kind of message flow we will have ~ 12 new video upload messages per second, ~ 50 new messages per conversion (12 * 4 types of resolutions). All in all, the volumes seem pretty small. Plus usually queue is an infrastructure component that can be relied on for scalability and fault tolerance, since it is provided as a service within the organization.
workers are also stateless services that would be conveniently scalable based on the size of the processing queue.
video meta information storage and feed storage - here we should choose a storage where we can store key/value or documents and which has automatic sharding under the hood. We will need sharding because there is a large number of videos and a large number of user feeds, so everything will not fit in one machine. We need sharding in one case by video_id key, and in the second case by user_id key - we define it based on the way we plan to collect data, as we don't want our queries to be of scatter gather type and require traversal of all shards. There are many modern DBs to satisfy the requirements, to name a few: Tarantool DB, DuckDB...

7. Additional questions

The last stage provides time to discuss additional questions that often expand the scope of the system or complicate non-functional requirements. This part is optional, but allows a good candidate to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

How we evaluate a candidate

To evaluate a candidate, it is good to have some common criteria that allow a balanced approach to the competencies demonstrated by the candidate. Refer to here. For this purpose, we use the following criteria on the radar or spider chart: Data flows and system components, Conceptual diagram: components and data model design, Solution: selection of specific technologies, Load and sizing, Readability of the resulting diagram, Additional questions, Task formalization, API and system boundaries.
Importantly, these criteria overlap with the steps of the design section walkthrough, so the logic of the evaluation can be understood from the description of the walkthrough steps above. Only the last two items are specific, so let's look at them in more detail:
Readability of the resulting diagram - here we evaluate how readable and comprehensive the final diagram is. A junior (say, 0 to 30 points) is expected that their diagram will only contain valid main flow + conceptual components of the system, exceptional flow and corner cases on the diagram are missing here, and to read it you need comments from the author. A schema drawn by a middle candidate (40 to 70 points) is well-defined using the commonly known notations and / or contains a legend to read it. And seniors (70+ points) include the exceptional flows and corner cases, preserving the other requirements.
Additional questions: usually this part evaluates the questions that were discussed in addition to the main task. For example, the candidate's technical horizon, when several variants of a particular technology can be used to solve the task, or some points that expand the task and make it more complex. Typically, if it came to meaningful additional questions, it is a good sign.
Let’s consider the radar chart above as a real example of an interview:
The candidate did a good job of formalizing the task, clarified functional and non-functional requirements and clearly understood what is expected from the system 80/100
Next, he correctly drew the boundaries of the system, the planned scenarios that need to be implemented and designed the API that the system provides. 100/100
After that, he understood and drew the process well, including happy path and exceptional flow, with a few help requests. 80/100
Next, he did a good job of conceptualizing the schema and defined the integrations and stored data models, focusing too much on some solution specifics. 70/100
Things did not go so well with specific technologies — he suggested the tech stack, but he just took it from his experience without much understanding how well does it fit into the context of the task. 50/100
Accordingly, the load issues did not go very well either — he did not look into the load requirements himself, so I had to propose to the candidate that they should be taken into account. But it was more for the sake of ticking boxes from his side, than actually considering load as a reason to change the solution. 40/100
The readability of the resulting scheme was good. 80/100
The additional questions section was devoted to questions about the breadth of knowledge in technology. But it wasn't a candidate's strong point, he is a specialist in one particular product. 0/100
Bottom line: in this example, we have a candidate who knows how to ask the right questions to the customer. He knows how to understand what is included in his system and how it is presented outside, can draw the flow of the process to be automated and draw a conceptual diagram. All of these are strengths, but weaknesses include the choice of the real scheme and specific technologies used, inability to design services that should hold a moderate load and narrow horizons in technical aspects.
In my opinion, such a person can be given a Middle level in distributed systems design, noting separately the strengths and weaknesses, as well as giving recommendations for further development to the employee himself and his future manager.
To help you with evaluating the skills, here is my subjective thinking:
Junior: has good logic, can build a solution that will work in case of happy path with no high load. The person cannot design on their own, stating their own assumptions. Can solve well decomposed and specified tasks, usually within a service/module. To grow, they require a strong team around, relatively uncomplicated tasks on system interaction + further theoretical training. Middle: can independently solve tasks inside the application, as well as design small enhancements in distributed systems similarly (typically within the framework of a common approach in the team). Will not be able to design something new and future-proved on their own without supervision, so a strong architect is required to review solutions. Needs challenges and a mentor to grow. Senior: can self-design solutions within the team's area of responsibility (possibly more than one). New challenges are needed for their growth.

Levels of interview difficulty

All this work if you as an interviewer have done your homework and prepared the case with the guardrails and expectations and made them all clear to the candidate.
To determine the level of the candidate more accurately, the interview usually starts with a level of maximum difficulty and freedom — so the candidate can show their strengths. If they are able to do this, then they go through the task on their own and the interviewer only needs to clarify some domain-specific points. If the candidate solves the problem in this format, it is a sign of their seniority in systems design.
Sometimes the candidate hangs up, and if does it quite often. Then the complexity of the interview is lowered, and the interviewer switches to the mode of more tight assistance to the candidate and leads him to the solution of the main problems in the task. If the candidate solves the problems themselves, the main thing is to highlight them to him sometimes, then this is a Middle.
If the candidate has done nothing but happy path and further, the interview looks like a survey of the candidate with a lot of detailed questions on different parts of the system. Even despite getting all the answers, it is a Junior level.
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