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Packs for product teams

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Intercom Pack

Paste a link to an Intercom user (or Lead, or Conversation) and pull out the data associated with the link (Name, Avatar, etc). Then modify a conversation or a user with a button wired up to your account.
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Customer really wants a bike with spinning tires
Hey Jaquelyn - thanks for the note! We have spinning tires on the roadmap - will keep you updated!
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Bicycle shipped with 3 tires
Hey Leroy - so sorry to hear that! We'll get on it ASAP.
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Can we buy a bike that is jet-powered?
Emi, thanks for the suggestion! We don't have jet powered bikes yet, but a great idea for our next bike-a-thon.
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Bicycle shipped with 1 tire
Helen - very sorry about this, we have a bug that is eating our tires. Will ship you another soon!
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Customer wants a bike that smells better
Barry, thanks for the note - what does your bike smell like, and what do you prefer it smell like?
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Once you're ready to update the team, use the to put the latest update right in their channel

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