CFI Coaching is leading business training organization in Chennai, India. we have been providing executive coaching services since year 2006. Our coaches has been building leadership quality among young leaders and guiding and consulting them in career management. for more details , check out our one of best
CFI provides an opportunity for manager to learn and grow as a team coach. The institute offers various programs and Organizations who have adopted our
programs report a number of benefits, including: Increased employee engagement and motivation, Improved communication and relationships between managers and employees and improve clarity around your roles and responsibilities.
Our Way
Our way represents our enduring core, our lived values and our identity as a community of coaches. How we as an institution and as individuals are known by our coaching and that is what finally matters and is the true test of our values.
CFI Philosophy
we believes in aholistic approach towards coaching which is humanistic by orientation, empowered by our style while always remaining committed to our ethical boundaries.
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