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Big Idea

icon picker

Your IP is your unique process - specifically how you do it
Feed Chat GPT when creating content
Mechanism/ UVP
Youtube, Google, AI
“I’ve heard this before”
“I can get this off youtube”
Based on Target Market’s “Sophistication Levels” & the Product Saturation
Ideally, it comes from you
No proof? Can come from the world
1 Mechanism. 1 Idea.
When it comes to the topic, my unique approach is:


Based on my approach, and the awareness level of the avatar, and the competition - can you create the “unique mechanism” for my course product? Give me 7 options with a simple, non-hypey mechanism name, and a 1-sentence 8th-grade reading level logical breakdown of how exactly the mechanism works to solve problems and achieve desires?
There are no rows in this table


Action Item

Use the prompt above and design on your mechanism/ elevator pitch

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