Communications Resources

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Communication Tip Tuesday

Who gets what when?
**This message is sent to all Oneida Staff. **

Welcome to another edition of Communication Tip Tuesday!
This week we want to emphasize the Communication Process. We have several ways to communicate, with many channels. We do far more than create “flyers”, in fact this is just one method of many.
Our channels of communication will tell us what format to use:
Need to post on social media? Then we need a square jpeg. (See best practices). A catchy image and use of the captions/text in the post.
Need to post on a door/bulletin board? Then we need a true flyer - with all info included.
Radio? Our Announcer, Ryan, will use a flyer to announce.
Need to post in the Oliwase? Then we need a jpeg image of your flyer. NEWS! As of July 2, Clara Hill will now be running the Oliwase creation.
In all cases, we ask that you send to the central Communications distribution - - cc’g Loredana, Dawn and Andrea for back up.
We want to ensure all events are posted on our Oneida website (in the Events Section) for everyone to know about!
In your instructions - be sure to add what channel you want to use - TV’s, Radio, Social Media, Events on the Website.
Following these procedures and protocols will help ensure your messages get through to the right people.
Be sure to check out
Communication Tip on the Staff Directory, or
Communication Tip on Social Media Communication Submission.

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