Communications Resources

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Communication Tip Tuesday

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Welcome to another Communication Tips Tuesday! This week we're talking about Confidentiality in a variety of settings.
Confidentiality is important for maintaining trust and security within our team and proper confidentiality is outlines in our .

The Communication Policy (Section 5.1) states:
Regarding all communications, employees are required to seek approval, from their immediate supervisor, on any information that is shared with persons outside of the organization. Only approved information can be shared outside of the organization.

Modes of communication in which Confidentiality should be considered as per the Commination Policy:
Meetings and Meeting Docs (agendas, notes, etc.)
Phone (Organization provided - texts/calls)
Social Media (Organizations and personal)
Employee Portal

Here are some guidelines to make sure confidentiality stays intact:
Follow Rules: Follow all rules about confidentiality as per the Communication Policy - linked
Secure Ways to Talk: Use secure ways to talk about sensitive stuff, like encrypted emails or password-protected files.
Limit Info Access: Only give sensitive info to people who really need it for their job.
Watch and Act: Keep an eye on how well we're keeping things confidential and take action if there are any slip-ups.

Communication Across Departments
When sharing or requesting information across departments, employees are encouraged to directly email the individual(s) responsible for the information.
The Communications Policy (Section 9.2) states:
The request should include the nature of the information and any deadlines required to be met. If the information pertains to clients, a consent form (from the client) is required.

To sum up, keeping things confidential is crucial for trust and security at Oneida. Let's stick to clear rules, use secure methods, and stay vigilant to protect sensitive information. By doing so, we maintain respect, protect ourselves, and build a stronger community together.

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