Communications Resources

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Communication Tip Tuesday

Community Communication Submissions
**This message is sent to all Oneida Staff. **
Welcome to another installment of Communication Tips Tuesday! Today, we are providing the guide on how we can engage the community through our several channels effectively. Our current channels of communication include: website, social media, the monthly Oliwase newsletters to homes, TV screens in our admin buildings, radio, marquees, and recently we’ve added a community e-mail distribution list.
ALL EVENTS will be posted on the Oneida website, so that community members can have the most current information. This is why it is so important to use the process to have your event, news and other items shared to all the channels.
We ask that you make sure your submissions are formatted correctly. Use Canva to create your posts (Instagram post template works best). If you or your team need training on how to use Canva please reach out to Loredana at , training classes do run throughout the year so be sure to sign-up if you have any questions.

Communications Process.jpg
Creating Posts - Do's:
Use Canva to create your images
Optimize for Socials: Ensure your images are Square (Instagram post template).
Readability: Social media audiences love clean and crisp posts.
Choose text sizes carefully
Use Logos: Make sure there is space left around your Logos. Your Logos shouldn’t be overcrowded.
Send your image + Caption: So that you don’t need all the information on the image!


Ignore Guidelines
Overcrowd Image
Use Low-Quality Graphics
Forget Logo
Remember, clear and concise images are key to effective communication. Keep it simple, friendly, and easy to read to engage community effectively.

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This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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