Transformative Innovation
Transformative innovation is a theoretical proposal that was conceived by SPRU at the University of Sussex. This theory conceives that there is a new theoretical framework to understand the relationship between innovation and society.
For this theory, the new framework of innovation should focus on enhancing economic growth and consider sustainability goals, which can go from reducing poverty to fighting climate change.
The transformative innovation proposes that the innovation system should include business, academics, and government and call the communities and NGOs because they can bring society's priorities into the discussion. Hence, the policymakers have all the options before they create innovation policies.
Johan Shot
This is a new framework that is highly focused on policy applications. There is an international consortium (Transformative Innovation Policy) in which several government agencies interact, learn, and experiment with transformative policies.
However, the TI perspective is new, and there are no consistent evaluations of its performances in real-life scenarios, so it is impossible to analyze its applications.
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