What do you like most about [PRODUCT]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Test mobile app usability
What are you currently doing to make this [PROBLEM] / [TASK] easier?
Do you have any other thoughts or feedback on the new feature?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Test new feature satisfaction
How does this [PROBLEM] / [TASK] impact other areas of your life or work?
What other products or solutions have you tried when looking to accomplish [PROBLEM] / [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Run a product discovery survey
What is the hardest part about [PROBLEM] / [TASK]?
What type of workarounds have you created to help you with this [PROBLEM] / [TASK]?
Validate feature ideas
What is the biggest pain point related to [PROBLEM]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What do you like about how you currently solve [PROBLEM]?
What was one thing you disliked the most about the design?
What was one thing you liked the most about the design?
Do you feel this design was made for you? Why or why not?
How, if at all, do you expect [PRODUCT] to help you accomplish your business goals?
Is there anything else about [PRODUCT] or this survey that you would like to share?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
What are your primary business goals?
Will you continue to use [FEATURE]?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Test new feature satisfaction
What's the single most important thing we could do to make [PRODUCT] better?
At what price point is [PRODUCT] too expensive?
Run a pricing sensitivity survey
Before we start, could you please tell us briefly about what you do professionally?
Test feature discoverability
What did you find easy about the task you performed?
Test feature usability
Did the [FEATURE] work as you had expected?
Test new feature satisfaction
Do you have any issues or challenges with your current solution?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Validate feature ideas
What problems do you face when you do [TASK]?
Validate feature ideas
What workarounds have you created for addressing any challenges you have with your current solution?
What parts of the [PRODUCT] did you like the most?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What could be improved?
Card Sort Block
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Test your website sign-up flow
What could we do to improve this [FEATURE]?
Any other feedback you'd like to add?
What parts of the [PRODUCT] did you like the least?
Test mobile app usability
Do you have any additional feedback for the team?
What would you expect to see from the website?
How did you find the language (including but not limited to copy, phrasing, tone) used on the website?
Open Question Block
Opinion Scale Block
Test your website sign-up flow
What are your thoughts on the design and layout?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Opinion Scale Block
Test your website sign-up flow
Any additional feedback on your experience with the website?
Test your website sign-up flow
How much would you pay for [PRODUCT]?
What would you expect to happen once you've [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Usability testing a new product
What is the main thing you recall?
Run a five-second test
Based on what you saw, what do you think this product offers?
Test content recall
Do you have any final thoughts on what you saw today?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Usability testing a new product
What do you like about how this page looks?
Was there any other option you considered selecting instead?
Mission Block
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
What has led you to not start using [FEATURE]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Test feature discoverability
Please share any challenges you've faced while trying to use [FEATURE].
What would prevent you from achieving [GOAL]?
Please complete this sentence: "The biggest challenge my team has with [PRODUCT] / [SOLUTION] is..."
About how many people work at your current company/organization? This means everyone that works at your company, not just in your office or department.
What is the name of your department or team at your current company?
How much influence, if any, do you have in getting your team to adopt a new tool for work?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
Which of the following best describes your current employment?
What made you try or buy [PRODUCT] / [SERVICE]?
Get product onboarding feedback
Can you walk me through the first time you did [TASK]?
Can you describe your first impression of our website in three words?
Get live website feedback
How confident did you feel while using [FEATURE]?
System Usability Scale (SUS) test
What was your first impression of Concept A?
Validate product concepts
How believable is the claim?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
Validate marketing messaging
What is your main goal when [ACTION] / [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
How did you first learn about [PRODUCT]?
Would you be interested in follow-up research with a member of the User Research team at [COMPANY]?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Imagine that in this very moment, [PRODUCT] is no longer available to you and your team. Which of the following best reflects how you feel about this?
Which of the following industries best describes your current company/organization?
Which of the following best describes your role or job function?
What does your role look like at your company?
How integral is [PRODUCT] in your day to day work?
How likely are you to recommend [PRODUCT] to a friend or colleague?
How might you go about performing [TASK]?
How easy or difficult was it to learn how to use [PRODUCT] when [CONTEXT/SCENARIO]?
What level of difficulty best describes your experience completing [TASK]?
Did the experience meet your expectations?
Opinion Scale Block
Yes/No Block
How well does this communicate [THEME]?
Test preference on marketing assets
How satisfied are you with [FEATURE]?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
Test new feature satisfaction
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your overall [PRODUCT] experience?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
Test new feature satisfaction
If you could change one thing about the design what would it be and why?
If you could change one thing about [PRODUCT] what would it be and why?
Any problems accessing or setting up [FEATURE]?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Test new feature satisfaction
What is the main reason you use [PRODUCT]?
For how many, if any, of your work responsibilities do you rely on [PRODUCT]?
Which of the following best reflects your attitudes towards [PRODUCT]?
What tools are most important to help you accomplish your key responsibilities?
Please complete this sentence: "The most frustrating part of using [PRODUCT] is…”
Please complete the following sentence: "With [PRODUCT], I hope that me/my team can..."
What teams do you work with on a daily basis? (By "team" we mean discipline or functional groups.)
Which of the tools that you use at work has the largest impact on your work? By "tools," we mean to software or services you use for work.
How do you prefer to be trained on new software?
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
There are no other products like [PRODUCT] out there.
Is anything missing from your experience?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Get fast NPS feedback
Is there anything you look for on website that is missing or hard to find?
We may be interested in contacting you to learn more about your answers, are you open to us doing so?
Do you have any questions or unresolved problems?
Were there any aspects of the messaging you felt were unclear or hard to understand?
Have you ever used a website or app that lets you [SERVICE]?
Test feature discoverability
Have you started using [FEATURE]?
Have you used [PRODUCT] before?
Run a wireframe preference test
Was the navigation as expected?
Test your website sign-up flow
How did you find the ease of use?
Run an early prototype test
On a scale of 1-10, how was your experience when signing up?
Test your website sign-up flow
Please describe your experience of navigating the site.
Run a wireframe preference test
What was your first impression of the design?
5-Second Test Block
Open Question Block
Run a five-second test
How clear was the information on this page?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Please rate your overall experience using [FEATURE].
Test feature discoverability
Sign up to [FEATURE] on the [PRODUCT].
Did you run into any problems with [FEATURE]?
Get first impressions on new features
Complete the [TASK] by navigating to [FEATURE].
How would you go about signing up for the product?
Which features do you use the most?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Get fast NPS feedback
What type of operating system do you currently use on your phone?
When solving [PROBLEM] what is most important for you?
Run mobile participant screening
Where did you first find out about [PRODUCT]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What are the most important tasks you need to perform when using [PRODUCT]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
How often do you do [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Validate feature ideas
Which image do you prefer?
5-Second Test Block
Multiple Choice Block
Test preference on marketing assets
How often do you [ACTIVITY]?
Run a wireframe preference test
How would you describe the level of information provided?
Where would you find [FEATURE] within this page?
Did you know about [PRODUCT] [OFFER] before?
Test feature discoverability
Could you explain what you consider when using [PRODUCT] to [TASK]?
Test feature discoverability
Had you ever heard of [COMPANY]?
Test label clarity
Do you feel this product is similar to any others?
What do you expect to gain from using this product?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
When and where do you think someone would use this [PRODUCT] / [FEATURE]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What alternative method would you use to perform [TASK]?
Mission Block
Open Question Block
Was anything surprising or did not perform as expected?
Was the interface easy to understand?
What was the easiest task to accomplish?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What was the hardest task to accomplish?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
How likely would you be to download or purchase [PRODUCT]?
Tell me about the last time you [ACTION] and the [SCENARIO].
What haven’t we asked you that you think would be valuable for us to know?
Were you aware that [PRODUCT] offers [FEATURE]?
How long do you expect the [TASK] to take?
Under what circumstances would you want to receive an alert within this registration workflow?
How much time do you typically spend on [PROBLEM] / [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Why do you think someone would use this [PRODUCT] / [FEATURE]?
What group(s) of people do you think would use this [PRODUCT] / [FEATURE]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What might keep people from using this [PRODUCT] / [FEATURE]?
What is the most you would be willing to spend to purchase this [PRODUCT]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Does this remind you of any other products?
What does your typical workday look like?
What are some of the apps or websites you use the most in a given week?
What is most appealing about this [PRODUCT] / [FEATURE]?
Was there anything missing from this product that you expected to be included?
What devices do you typically use when utilising the [PRODUCT]?
How would you describe your past and current experience with [PRODUCT] / [COMPANY]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Can you see yourself ever using a product like this?
Would you use this product today?
Tell me about your experience using your current [PRODUCT].
"What were your impressions of the on-boarding experience within the app?"
How successful or unsuccessful do you feel you were at completing this task?
Provide an estimate for how much time this task took to complete.
What do you expect to happen after [TASK]?
What do you think your next step is here?
Mission Block
Open Question Block
Tell me what you're thinking while looking at this page. What do you think you are observing here?
Mission Block
Open Question Block
What would be your next step in this flow?
Mission Block
Open Question Block
What are your three most important activities?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Identify customer goals
How often do you use [PRODUCT]?
Usability testing a new product
How long have you [ACTIVITY]?
What could make this experience better for you?
What did you think of the interface?
Test mobile app usability
Which tools or frameworks have you used in the past to accomplish [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
To which gender identity do you most identify?
Which best describes the type of company you're part of?
What's your relationship like with [TOPIC]?
Please describe who you might collaborate with when [TASK]?
How important is saving time when completing [TASK]?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
How much are you currently spending to solve the problem?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Run a product discovery survey
How would you feel if we discontinued this feature?
Has your opinion on [PRODUCT] changed within the last 12 months?
What appeals, or doesn't appeal to you visually?
How valuable might this feature be in your workflow?
Please indicate if you agree with the following statement. I can do my job efficiently when using this feature.
Please indicate if you agree with the following statement. It is easy to find the information I need.
Please indicate if you agree with the following statement. The functionality is relevant to my needs.
What would motivate you to do [TASK]?
In what scenario or context would you imagine yourself doing [TASK]?
Does the messaging provide the right volume of information?
Please give this feature a descriptive name, based on what it does.
Get feature naming ideas
What do you think this screen will enable you to do?
Please summarize our product in three words.
What comes to mind when you think of [PRODUCT]?
How relevant is this feature to your daily life?
How does this [FEATURE] compare to what you are currently used to?
What were the search terms you used to find our site?
What did you come to this site to do today?
Which other options did you consider before choosing [PRODUCT]?
What topics would you like to see us write about next?
What other products would you like to see us offer?
Was this section useful?
Did this article answer your question?
Were you able to find the information you were looking for?
What other information would you like to see on this page?
Does the claim provide too much information, too little information, or the right amount of information?
Validate marketing messaging
How would you rate your overall experience on our site today?
Is there anything preventing you from signing up at this point?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
What would change your mind about signing up for an account?
What could we do to make this site more useful?
What is preventing you from starting a trial?
Is there anything preventing you from completing your purchase?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Was there anything about the checkout process that we should improve?
What prevented you from doing what you came to do on the site?
Anything else you'd like to add regarding our pricing?
Gather pricing expectations
What caught your attention about this site in your search results?
What is the biggest influence on your purchasing decision?
What persuaded you to purchase [PRODUCT]?
Please list the top three things that persuaded you to use our product rather than an alternative solution.
What was your biggest challenge, frustration or problem in finding [PRODUCT] online?
What's one feature we can add that would make our product indispensable to you?
Of these options, what's the next thing you think we should build?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What do you see as your primary goal within your current role?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What do you see as your biggest challenge within your current role?
What three words would you use to describe your personal approach to [TOPIC]?
Thinking toward the future, how do you envision your current field might change over the next 5 years?
How supported do you feel [TOPIC] is by the leadership team in your organization?
When considering your average workload, how many projects are you typically working on at any given time?
What is your personal measure of success when it comes to [GOAL]?
For what types of projects do you tend to use our product over other tools?
What do you enjoy most about using our product?
What does this feature mean to you?
What best describes your funding stage?
Which of the following describes your role in decisions about [TOPIC] in your team or company?
What benefits do you think [PRODUCT] / [SERVICE] has?
When you’re thinking about buying [PRODUCT], what 3 brands come to mind?
What types of products have you purchased online before? Select all that apply.
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Rate how probable you are to [ACTION].
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
Rate how [PRODUCT] performs or ranks as compared to others.
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
How exciting is [FEATURE] / [CONCEPT]?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
How unique is [FEATURE] / [CONCEPT]?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
What action was the webpage asking you to take?
5-Second Test Block
Open Question Block
What else do you remember from the webpage?
5-Second Test Block
Open Question Block
Test CTA placement
Would you use this [FEATURE] in future?
Test feature discoverability
Could you see yourself using this app regularly?
Test mobile app usability
Could you tell us what was unclear, or what was missing?
Test feature usability
What didn't work as expected?
Test new feature satisfaction
How much time and money does this cost your business?
Validate feature ideas
What do you think [FEATURE] lets you do?
Validate feature naming
Thinking about the claim overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?
Validate marketing messaging
How unique is the messaging claim?
Validate marketing messaging
How relevant is the claim to your wants and needs?
Validate marketing messaging
In your own words, what is the message of the claim?
Validate marketing messaging
How likely would you be to buy the product based on the claim?
Validate marketing messaging
What are your favorite aspects of Concept A?
Validate product concepts
What are your least favorite aspects of Concept A?
Validate product concepts
How often would you use Concept A?
Validate product concepts
How much would you pay for Concept A?
Validate product concepts
What else do you remember about the image?
Test content recall
Explore our new feature.
System Usability Scale (SUS) test
How frequent would you use [FEATURE]?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
System Usability Scale (SUS) test
How complex was the feature to use?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
System Usability Scale (SUS) test
When thinking about [FEATURE], how likely would you be to need a technical person in order to use it?
System Usability Scale (SUS) test
How well integrated did you find the functions of this [FEATURE] into your workflow?
System Usability Scale (SUS) test
What do you want to achieve by using this product?
Based on this tagline, what do you think [COMPANY] does?
Compare website taglines
Were there any cards or categories that you felt were unclear or hard to understand?
Card Sort Block
Yes/No Block
Streamline website navigation
Were there any cards that you feel didn’t belong to any of the categories?
Card Sort Block
Yes/No Block
Streamline website navigation
Would you rename any of the categories?
Card Sort Block
Yes/No Block
Streamline website navigation
How are you currently solving [PROBLEM]?
Run mobile participant screening
Which of the following have you used to solve [PROBLEM]?
Run mobile participant screening
How much would you pay for [SERVICE]?
Run a wireframe preference test
Did you feel the site offered too little information, too much information or just enough?
Run a wireframe preference test
What is the implication if you fail to solve this problem?
Run a product discovery survey
What’s missing from what you’ve tried already?
Run a product discovery survey
In your experience of this challenge, what would be the key area you'd look to alleviate first?
Run a product discovery survey
Are you currently a paying customer of [PRODUCT]?
Run a pricing sensitivity survey
At what point would you consider [PRODUCT] a bargain?
Run a pricing sensitivity survey
At what price point is [PRODUCT] so expensive that you wouldn't purchase it?
Run a pricing sensitivity survey
When thinking about [PRODUCT] price point, what other product and service's comes to mind as a comparison?
Run a pricing sensitivity survey
What do you think of our current pricing?
Run a pricing sensitivity survey
How easy was it for you to get started with [PRODUCT]?
Measure onboarding success
Overall, how valuable was the onboarding experience?
Measure onboarding success
How clear did you find the information presented during the product onboarding?
Measure onboarding success
When thinking about the product onboarding experience from start to finish, should it have been longer, shorter, or was it just about right?
Measure onboarding success
What else would have been useful to you to know in order to get started?
Measure onboarding success
What did you find most helpful on your journey?
Improve your onboarding experience
What are the activities you spent the most amount of time on?
Identify customer goals
Which of the activities do you find add the most value, despite how much time they may take you to complete, and why?
Identify customer goals
What could be better about how you do this?
Identify customer goals
Do you find [PRODUCT] useful?
Get regular satisfaction insights
What is your favorite thing about [PRODUCT]?
Get regular satisfaction insights
What do you think needs the most improvement?
Get regular satisfaction insights
How comfortable are you with the product after the onboarding session?
Get product onboarding feedback
How well do you understand what is required of you on this page?
Get preference on web designs
What brought you to the website today?
Get live website feedback
How likely are you to return to the website?
Get live website feedback
What is the primary reason for your score?
Get fast NPS feedback
What's the one thing we could do to make [PRODUCT] better?
Get fast NPS feedback
Which phrases from the description make you feel more confident about using the service?
Evaluate content impact
Which phrases from the description make you feel less confident about using the service?
Evaluate content impact
What do you need to plan for, or what decisions do you need to make before you begin [JTBD]?
Discover jobs to be done
How many times in the last [TIME FRAME] did you look to [JTBD]?
Discover jobs to be done
About how many times have you visited the website in the past month?
How important is it for you to be able to [JTBD]?
Discover jobs to be done
What is your biggest challenge, frustration or problem with this [JTBD]?
Discover jobs to be done
What would enable you to accomplish this task more effectively?
Discover jobs to be done
How much does successfully completing this task save the business?
Discover jobs to be done
How well does [PRODUCT] help you [GOAL] / [TASK]?
How customized is [PRODUCT] to your interests and needs?
What kinds of collaborative projects have you been involved with in the past?
How reliable is the performance of [FEATURE]?
Collect insights on features
Were you able to accomplish what you used [FEATURE] for?
Collect insights on features
What did you learn from this webpage?
A/B test landing page copy
How relevant was the headline to you?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
A/B test landing page copy
Did this version feel more or less engaging?
A/B test landing page copy
What do you think is the purpose of the email?
A/B test email subject lines
How much does the subject line resonate with you?
A/B test email subject lines
How likely would you be to open an email with that subject line?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
A/B test email subject lines
Thinking about what the product offers, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?
Validate product launch copy
What is the main benefit you receive from [PRODUCT]?
Validate product-market fit
How much time do you spend using [PRODUCT]?
What's your biggest priority right now?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
Are we meeting your expectations?
What vertical best describes your company?
What information is missing or would make your decision to buy easier?
What is your biggest fear or concern about purchasing this item?
What would persuade you to use [PRODUCT] more often?
What's one feature we can add that would make our product indispensable for you?
If you could no longer use [PRODUCT], what’s the one thing you would miss the most?
Is there anything preventing you from upgrading at this point?
What other content would you like to see us offer?
What were the main things that persuaded you to join our list today?
If someone were to solve this problem, how would that improve your life?
What are your initial thoughts on this solution?
Please describe your last experience with [COMPANY].
Which skills are required to do your job?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
How do you manage your time?
How would you improve the process of [TASK]?
How visually appealing is this logo?
Multiple Choice Block
Opinion Scale Block
Would you change any of the colors of this logo?
Is this logo memorable? Why or why not?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
What do you like about the logo?
What do you dislike about the logo?
Now that you’ve seen both logo concepts, which do you prefer? Why?
What do you think of the pricing page layout?
Are the pricing options clear?
Which features in this subscription tier are most important to you?
What industry do you think this company operates in?
What decisions do you frequently need to make?
What triggers you to [ACTION]?
What metrics do you currently track? Why are they important?
How do you prefer to purchase [PRODUCT]?
Think about a frustrating experience you had when [ACTION]. What happened to make that experience frustrating?
How do you typically find information about this type of product?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What websites do you use to discover new products?
What do you research about a product before purchasing it?
What type of product do you research the most before purchase?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What is the biggest difficulty you face when purchasing this type of product?
Now that you’ve solved [PROBLEM], what’s next?
What influences you to purchase a product online?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What deters you from purchasing a product online?
What is your preferred brand of this product?
What factors determine your budget for this product?
How could we have helped you better use our product?
How can we improve your general experience with the company?
If someone asked you about this product, what would you say to them?
What is the main factor that influences your decision to switch brands?
How would you use this new feature?
What excites you about this new feature?
Do you think this new feature improves the existing product?
Have you seen something similar to this feature elsewhere?
How do you think this new feature will improve your experience?
What do you like best about the messaging we use to promote our product?
How would you explain [PRODUCT] to a friend, family member, or colleague?
What communication channels would you prefer we use?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What supplementary content would help you use our product?
What companies or products do you perceive as our competitors?
How does [PRODUCT] messaging stand out from the competition?
How could our brand be more honest and transparent?
What charity do you think pairs well alongside [PRODUCT] / [COMPANY]?
What do we do better than other companies in this field?
What would you use as an alternative if [PRODUCT] was no longer available?
What values do you think [COMPANY] upholds?
How would you find a company like ours on Google?
If we introduced [FEATURE], would you want to test it?
Is there something you expected from [PRODUCT] / [SERVICE] that you did not get?
How does our website compare to other websites you shop from?
Multiple Choice Block
Open Question Block
What’s the one thing we should never stop doing?
How would you describe [PRODUCT] to a friend or colleague?
When you think of our brand, what comes to mind?
Which of the following best describes your need for this product?
How often could you find a use for this product?
What do you think about the story we tell through our website?
In terms of other products or brands, who can we learn from?
How would you rate the support you've received?
Are you following [COMPANY] on social media? If so, which platforms?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
Do you read [COMPANY] blog?
What type of content do you prefer to consume the most?
Why do you usually consume content?
How do you usually discover new content?
Have you ever read or watched any content from [COMPANY]?
From what you can recall when seeing content from [COMPANY], what was your first impression?
What type of content would you like to see from [COMPANY] in the future?
Do you have specific content needs related to your industry?
Are there any communication channels you would prefer we use?
Open Question Block
Yes/No Block
If you were looking to [TASK], where in this design would you expect to start?
What could we do to potentially wow you?
Describe the last time you struggled with [TASK], what was that like?
What would be the most ideal scenario for [TASK] from the website/app?