Once you’re in Company Access, click the Add button.
Search for our company by entering 1838960 into the NMLS ID and click Search.
You should then see Network Funding Group, Inc. Click the checkbox to the left of our name and then click Save.
Click the checkbox to the left of our Company ID and click Add.
After clicking Add, you won’t get a confirmation, but will instead be redirected to this page. From here, click on Individual in the menu.
Once on the Individual screen click the Request New/Update button.
There may be a Continue button to click on before you can see this screen below where you can click on the Employment History and then Add button.
Then fill out the form with the following information:
Employer: Network Funding Group, Inc.
Be sure to check off the Click here if this is your current employer.
Leave To blank.
Position Held: MLO
Address: 3350 E. Birch Street, Suite 140
City: Brea
State: California
Country/Province: United States
Postal Code: 92821
Is the employment financial services related: YES
It is VERY IMPORTANT TO MARK AS SHOWN or else your transfer can be rejected by the state and delayed in processing.
After clicking Save, you will be back on this screen where it shows that you’ve just added Network Funding Group, Inc. as your current employer; thus, you need to end employment from the previous company you had your license. You do so by click on the paper/pencil icon to the left of your previous company to change the end date (month/year) to match the start date with NFG.
Now uncheck the “Check here if this is your current employer” box and input the current month and year.
Once the above is confirmed, click the Attest and Submit link in the left menu, check off the box, and click Submit Filing button.
to send us an email to notify us that we can proceed with the next step.
(What we do from here is pay for your license sponsorship and confirm the attestation. Then we need to wait up to 20 business days to hear back from the state with hopefully your approval!)
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