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Public Version of REL 161 Religion in the New Media

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Guilford Expectations

Class attendance, discussion, and participation in-class activities are important
The development of your academic training and interests is essential, if we are to take seriously this development then integrity in attendance, active participation, and desire to engage with the material are critical. Besides this, class is far more interesting when we are able to have lively discussions, presentations and questions. Quakers have long maintained a reputation for discipline and integrity with regard to appointments and punctuality. Please arrive at the appointed time; class will always begin with a time of centering worship.
On being late: If you are more than 15 minutes late to class it will be counted as an absence. During the three week there is a limit of one unexcused allowed before the participation grade is reduced.
Guilford-wide Policies
Attendance: You are not expected to miss any classes. If you must miss class, you must communicate with me in advance. I allow for two absences, the third you will lose points towards your final grade.
Workload: Guilford students are expected to work a minimum of twelve hours each week for each four-credit course. Although this statement is required of all Guilford syllabi, it deserves emphasis. If you are spending the minimal time and are still not completing the assigned readings, please speak with me and I will work with you to help you find ways to accomplish the goals of the course.
Honor Code. Academic honesty and integrity represent central elements of the liberal arts education at Guilford College. As scholars pursuing knowledge and truth, informed by the Quaker testimony on integrity, we seek a community where each member acts responsibly and honorably in all activities and at all times. Acts of dishonesty represent a serious offense at Guilford College. The academic honor code is violated when anyone claims credit, implicitly or explicitly, for work and ideas that are not her or his own. Violations of the academic honor code include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and unauthorized use of materials.
Plagiarism. Guilford defines plagiarism broadly as presenting the interpretations, wording, images or original conceptions of others as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement. Appropriate acknowledgement within the context of this courses, requires you to use footnotes to specific quotations longer than two words and indirect quotations. Further, all sources used in the production of the written work should be listed in a bibliography at the end of each work. The charge of plagiarism applies to any and all academic work whether done inside or outside the classroom and whether submitted as a rough draft or a final product.
Unauthorized Collaboration. Students may not combine efforts on any and all academic work, done inside or outside the classroom, submitted to an instructor as a rough draft or a final product, unless specifically permitted by the instructor. Although instructors should clearly define the limits of collaboration allowed, the absence of any instructions indicates that collaboration is not permitted. When uncertain, the student should seek clarification from the instructor. In cases of unauthorized collaboration, any student giving aid is as responsible as the recipient, unless the former is unaware that she/ he has provided aid. A student who seeks unauthorized aid is responsible for participating in unauthorized collaboration whether the aid was given or received. The charge of unauthorized collaboration applies to any and all academic work whether done inside or outside of the classroom and whether submitted as a rough draft or a final product.
Unauthorized Use of Materials. It is the student’s responsibility to ascertain what materials may be used in any and all academic work whether done inside or outside of the classroom and whether submitted as a rough draft or a final product. The submission for credit of the same written work in more than one course is not permitted without the prior permission of both instructors.
Accommodations for Students with Learning and/or Physical Differences:
Guilford College facilitates and supports the implementation of reasonable accommodations including resources and services for students with documented disabilities, chronic medical conditions, temporary disability, or pregnancy complications resulting in difficulties with accessing learning opportunities. Students requesting academic accommodations must first self-identify and register with the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) located in Hege Library, Office 217. The Director will meet with the student to create an individual accommodation plan (IAP). ARC will provide the accommodation letters to instructors at the student’s request when providing any classroom and/or testing accommodations. Please notify ARC the first week of classes to discuss your accommodations needs. More information and relevant policy documents about the types of accommodations and services offered, disability determination, and the student registration process can be found on the
Principles and testimonies
Guilford’s curriculum is informed by “the five academic principles” and “five normative Quaker testimonies” outlined below. If you believe a course is not adequately impacted by these principles and testimonies, please take the opportunity to help assure that it is. Ask your instructor about it; analyze texts in light of these values; raise questions related to them. That goes for this course, too!
The Five Academic Principles of Guilford College:
Innovative, student-centered learning:YOU are one of the instructors in this course, leading in class presentations, participating in discussion, accessing the inward Light.
Challenge to engage in creative and critical thinking:We will be critiquing the popular Quaker culture in this course and imagining a vital, living faith.
Cultural and global perspective:Among the lenses through which we will examine Quakerism are the experiences of global young adult Friends.
Values and the ethical dimension of knowledge:Quakerism is, by definition, nonconformist and poses in and of itself a critique of values and ethics.
Focus on practical application:You will be asked to apply what we are learning to your own life, your own spiritual communities, and the life of the Religious Society of Friends.

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