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Public Version of REL 161 Religion in the New Media

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New Source regarding what a fandom truly is:
I think it is important to examine the similarities and differences between fictional and realistic worlds and how they influence how people identify in both. There is most likely a lot of overlap for most people (this may or may not be an over generalization/ educated guess). In class I heard other people address this topic and I was interested in analyzing how we create our own realities and what we believe in influences or is impacted by creation and empire.
I think, as is inherent to most communities, there are actions (sometimes rituals) required for fandoms to operate. For example, dressing up as icons, attending events (sports games, Comicon), and interacting with others in public spaces (chatroom, watch party). Thus, most every religion meets these criteria, and most everyone finds themselves a fan of something.
I think most people join some fandom. By joining a fandom I can get some energy towards the things that I don’t want to.
As we are broadening our understandings of what fandom, religion (as religios), technology and theology (such as in ch. 1 of Networked Theology), and other terms traditionally associated solely with more specific descriptions, the lines between these terms blur. I think that the term “culture” also describes many of the redefinitions.
I see fandom as a group of people who are more interested or more involved in a part of culture. Someone could like a movie without necessarily being a ‘fan.’ Those who are in fandoms may be judged or misunderstood by the popular culture who are less involved in that fandom.
Fandom means the state of being a fan of someone or something, especially a very enthusiastic one. Also, I think everyone is fandom of something or someone.
Are certain fandoms a part of religion of empire vs. religion of creation?
Music Sampling
Sampling music, like Jodi mentioned, could be fandom because it takes an appreciated drum break, bass-line, rhythm, or melody from a classic song and manipulates it into something new but familiar. HOWEVER, sampling without permission can result in legal copyright battles with the original creators of the song. Some artists sampled by others have argued and even sued for plagiarism, while others believe sampling is a creative process paying tribute to classic songs.
A famous example is how Vanilla Ice borrowed the bass line from Queen and David Bowie's "Under Pressure" for his hip hop song, "Ice Ice Baby." It is an instantly recognizable bass-line & one could argue it propelled Vanilla Ice's song into the mainstream because fans of Bowie - and Queen either appreciated or hated the song but regardless, the song was played A LOT & sparked debate for remixing and sampling.

I think the glory of a fandom is that, as we talked about in class, it’s “open-ended”. Fandom implies cooperation, community, and interaction, which all contribute to a new product in a way. That could be fanfiction, fanart, or even simply headcanons based on shared interests, but the point is that fandoms allow the source material to live on in new ways.
I don’t know about other people, but I have a very short attention span. When I watch a new show or read a new book that I can relate, or feel envious of, I become OBSESSED. Like, every time I watch a sports anime, I’m inspired to play that sport and will go out and buy whatever I need to do so. Or if I read a book and the main character is an evil sorcerer, and I envy the power or life they have, I will go around and take on traits of that character. I’ll draw characters, and envision myself in the position of others. I’m a very empathetic person as it is, I have an amazing imagination and am capable of putting myself in the shoes of others. It’s like a become a part of their world. Fandoms provide a safe place, a way to escape reality. For those who grew up with a not so great home life, something like that, an escape, can hold an important place in their heart. Fandoms can also cause people to lose sight of what it real and what is fake. Not always in an extreme manner, but for example, a lot of people, women I know in particular, hold guys up to impossibly high standards because their standards are made up characters created by another, and who are often taken by someone in their universe. 2D and imagined characters are often idolized by people, and they put their faith in them. It makes me wonder about the Bible. A little kid reading a picture Bible, and thinking a miracle man used to exist who was responsible for healing the sick and turning water into wine, and His dad created all life as we know it. Between the captivating realties stories provide, and the influence of parental units at home, children are almost taught what to believe based on the materials they are given as they influence thoughts and plant seeds of faith in their heads.
Fandoms- I am a huge Harry Potter fan and have read the books 11 times. I am also friends with several people who are fans of comic books ( comicon) or folklore and the medieval period in history ( Ren Fair)

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