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Creating your Avatar in Decentraland

Decentraland is a virtual world that allows users to explore a 3D, interactive world and create their own avatars. It's a great way to meet friends, take part in activities, or just explore the world. Creating an avatar is an important first step in getting involved in Decentraland, and this blog post will walk you through the process.

Getting Started

Before you can start creating your avatar, you'll need to download the Decentraland application. To do so, simply visit the website and click the "Download" button. This will open up the download page which contains all of the necessary files for installing and running Decentraland. Once you have downloaded and installed the application, you can begin creating your avatar!

Creating Your Avatar

Once you've opened up the application, click on the "Create Avatar" option located at the bottom of your screen. On this page, you will be able to customize your avatar with different hairstyles, clothing items, accessories, and more. You'll also be able to choose from several different body types and facial features in order to make sure that your avatar looks exactly like you want it to! Once you're satisfied with how your avatar looks, click "Save" and move on to the next step.

Adding Details

Once you've created your basic avatar model, it's time to add some details! On this page, you can select from a variety of different items such as hats, glasses, clothes items and more in order to customize your avatar even further. You can also adjust things like facial expressions and movements here as well. When you're finished adding details to your avatar model, simply click "Save". Congrats - now all that's left is for you to explore Decentraland with your new custom created character!
Creating an avatar in Decentraland is easy and fun! With just a few clicks of a button you can create an entirely unique character that looks exactly like yourself or whoever else might come into mind when designing one's digital self representation. Whether it's exploring different parts of the world or meeting new people online – having an awesomely designed custom made character makes all these experiences even more enjoyable! So what are you waiting for? Download Decentraland today and get started creating your very own avatar!

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